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21-23 August, 2024
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The Sched app allows you to build your schedule but is not a substitute for your event registration. You must be registered for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_Dev China 2024 to participate in the sessions. If you have not registered but would like to join us, please go to the event registration page to purchase a registration.

Please note: This schedule is automatically displayed in Hong Kong Standard Time (UTC +8). To see the schedule in your preferred timezone, please select from the drop-down menu to the right, above "Filter by Date." The schedule is subject to change and session seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 


Sched应用程序允许您创建自己的日程安排,但不能替代您的活动注册。您必须注册参加KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit + AI_Dev China 2024,才能参加会议。如果您尚未注册但希望加入我们,请访问活动注册页面购买注册。

请注意:本日程自动显示为香港标准时间(UTC +8)。要查看您偏好的时区的日程,请从右侧“按日期筛选”上方的下拉菜单中选择。日程可能会有变动,会议席位先到先得。
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Wednesday, August 21

7:30am HKT

9:00am HKT

9:20am HKT

9:35am HKT

9:40am HKT

10:00am HKT

10:15am HKT

10:30am HKT

10:40am HKT

11:00am HKT

11:07am HKT

11:14am HKT

11:21am HKT

11:28am HKT

11:35am HKT

11:42am HKT

11:49am HKT

11:50am HKT

11:56am HKT

12:03pm HKT

12:10pm HKT

12:17pm HKT

12:24pm HKT

12:25pm HKT

12:55pm HKT

1:50pm HKT

⚡ Lightning Talk: Continuously Profile Your Applications in Kubernetes with Pyroscope | ⚡ 闪电演讲: 使用Pyroscope在Kubernetes中持续对应用程序进行性能分析 - Kerrigan Lin, Amazon Web Serv... Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 1 Is Your GPU Really Working Efficiently in the Data Center? N Ways to Improve GPU Usage | 您的GPU在数据中心真的高效工作吗?提高GPU使用率的N种方法 - Xiao Zhang, DaoCloud Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 3 Power TiKV with in-Memory Engine | 使用内存引擎强化 TiKV - Chenjie Tang, PingCAP Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6 Boundaryless Computing: Optimizing LLM Performance, Cost, and Efficiency in Multi-Cloud Architecture | 无边界计算:在多云架构中优化LLM性能、成本和效率 - Jian Zhu, Red Hat & Kai Zhang, Alibaba... Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 7 Enhancing Cyber Resilience Through Zero Trust Chaos Experiments in Cloud Native Environments | 通过在云原生环境中进行零信任混沌实验来增强网络安全弹性 - Sayan Mondal, Harness & Rafik Harabi... Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2 Kubespray Unleashed: Navigating Bare Metal Services in Kubernetes for LLM and RAG | Kubespray大放异彩:在Kubernetes中为LLM和RAG部署裸金属服务 - Kay Yan, DaoCloud & Alan Leung, Equinix Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 2 Zen and the Art of OSPO Maintenance - Group Reflection of OSPO Summits | 禅与OSPO维护的艺术-OSPO峰会的团体反思 - Nadia Jiang, SegmentFault; Richard Sikang Bian, Ant Group; Li Jiansheng, Open Source... Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 5

1:55pm HKT

2:00pm HKT

2:05pm HKT

2:10pm HKT

2:40pm HKT

2:45pm HKT

2:50pm HKT

2:55pm HKT

3:00pm HKT

3:15pm HKT

3:35pm HKT

4:25pm HKT

5:15pm HKT

6:00pm HKT

6:10pm HKT


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