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21-23 August, 2024
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Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2 clear filter
Wednesday, August 21

09:00 HKT

09:20 HKT

Keynote: Accelerating Electric Vehicle Innovation with Cloud Native Technologies | 主论坛演讲: 使用云原生技术加速电动汽车创新 - Kevin Wang, Huawei & Saint Jiang, NIO
Wednesday August 21, 2024 09:20 - 09:35 HKT
The electric vehicle (EV) industry is rapidly advancing towards a future where intelligence and connectivity are paramount. As we embrace this new era, the challenges in automotive software development escalate, such as software consistency, testing efficiency, data utilization etc., between simulated environments and real-world vehicle runtime environments. In this session, discover how NIO, an innovator in the global EV sphere, harnesses the power of cloud native technologies such as Containerd, Kubernetes, KubeEdge, and AI cloud-edge collaboration. Learn about NIO's journey to augment the development efficiency and quality of EV software, propelling us towards the zenith of vehicular intelligence. Delve into the transformative impact and future prospects of cloud native solutions in revolutionizing the EV landscape.

电动汽车(EV)行业正迅速向着智能和连接至关重要的未来发展。随着我们迎接这个新时代,汽车软件开发中的挑战不断升级,例如在模拟环境和真实车辆运行环境之间的软件一致性、测试效率、数据利用等等。 在这场演讲中,探索全球EV领域的创新者NIO如何利用云原生技术,如Containerd、Kubernetes、KubeEdge和AI云边协作。了解NIO如何提高EV软件开发效率和质量,推动我们走向车辆智能的巅峰。深入探讨云原生解决方案在革新EV领域中的转变影响和未来前景。
avatar for Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang

Lead of Cloud Native Open Source Team, Huawei
Kevin Wang has been an outstanding contributor in the CNCF community since its beginning and is the leader of the cloud native open source team at Huawei. Kevin has contributed critical enhancements to Kubernetes, led the incubation of the KubeEdge, Volcano, Karmada projects in CNCF... Read More →
avatar for Saint Jiang

Saint Jiang

Saint Jiang has over 10 years of experience in automotive software development. He is currently responsible for the software platform development in the intelligent cockpit domain at NIO, a global leader in electric vehicles. Prior to that, he was the system manager of the software... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 09:20 - 09:35 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

09:35 HKT

09:40 HKT

10:00 HKT

Keynote: China & Hong Kong's Leading Role in Open Source and AI | 主论坛演讲:中国和香港在开源和人工智能中的领先角色 - Stormy Peters, VP of Communities, GitHub
Wednesday August 21, 2024 10:00 - 10:15 HKT
Hong Kong and China have an active open source software community, home to 11 million software developers who are at the forefront of AI innovation. Hong Kong and China are ranked in the top 10 largest communities globally for generative AI projects on GitHub, their developers are making a significant impact on the world of open source software. Join us to explore and celebrate China and Hong Kong's contributions to the open source ecosystem and discover how this community is shaping the future of AI and technology.

avatar for Stormy Peters

Stormy Peters

VP, Communities, GitHub
Stormy Peters is VP of Communities at GitHub. She leads the teams responsible for enabling the online creators and open source communities on GitHub, including GitHub’s community product efforts, developer relations, education, and other strategic programs. Throughout her career... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 10:00 - 10:15 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

10:15 HKT

11:00 HKT

CNCF Project Lightning Talks Welcome & Opening - Jorge Castro, CNCF
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:00 - 11:05 HKT
Join us for a rapid-fire journey through the CNCF ecosystem, where experts, including project maintainers and community members, share insights, innovations, and real-world applications of Cloud Native Computing Foundation projects. Each project has just five minutes to present, promising to enlighten and inspire with cutting-edge tools and practices that shape the future of cloud-native development. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, there's something for everyone in the world of Cloud Native Computing!

  • Do I need an all-access pass to attend the project lightning talks? No, you will only need your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon only pass for access.
  • When will the schedule of Project Lightning Talks be available? Friday, 21 June.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:00 - 11:05 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:07 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: KCL: Simplifying Kubernetes Manifests Management | KCL:简化 Kubernetes 清单管理
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:07 - 11:12 HKT
As the software scale continues to grow, the complexity that Kubernetes manifests and resource management is also increasing. KCL aims to reduce the complexity of configuration management and reduce problems such as configuration drift. This Lightning Talk intends to demonstrate how to use the KCL language to manage Kubernetes manifests and resources more simply. This includes using KCL to abstract and simplify complex Kubernetes manifests to reduce configuration scale; verifying and checking Kubernetes manifests to enhance stability and security; and mutating Kubernetes resources to support dynamic configuration management. During this talk, the audience will gain experience in managing existing Kubernetes manifests and resources using KCL without rewriting their infrastructure manifests with KCL.

随着软件规模的不断增长,Kubernetes 清单和资源管理的复杂性也在增加。KCL 旨在降低配置管理的复杂性,减少配置漂移等问题。本次闪电演讲旨在展示如何使用 KCL 语言更简单地管理 Kubernetes 清单和资源。这包括使用 KCL 抽象和简化复杂的 Kubernetes 清单以减少配置规模;验证和检查 Kubernetes 清单以增强稳定性和安全性;以及变更 Kubernetes 资源以支持动态配置管理。在本次演讲中,观众将学习如何使用 KCL 管理现有的 Kubernetes 清单和资源,而无需用 KCL 重写他们的基础设施清单。
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:07 - 11:12 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:14 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: KubeEdge user cases show in multiple industries and scenarios | KubeEdge 在多个行业和场景中的用户案例展示
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:14 - 11:19 HKT
Since KubeEdge officially entered CNCF in March 2019, it has been widely used in intelligent transportation, smart city, smart park, smart energy, smart factory, smart bank, smart site, CDN and other industries to provide users with integrated edge cloud collaborative solutions.
This topic will share the 10+ KubeEdge user cases in various industries, to help users understand the practical experience of cloud-native edge computing and edge AI.

自 2019 年 3 月 KubeEdge 正式进入 CNCF 以来,已广泛应用于智能交通、智慧城市、智慧园区、智能能源、智能工厂、智能银行、智能工地、CDN 等行业,为用户提供集成的边缘云协同解决方案。本主题将分享 10 多个不同行业中的 KubeEdge 用户案例,帮助用户了解云原生边缘计算和边缘 AI 的实践经验。
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:14 - 11:19 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:21 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: A Deep Dive into Cilium Gateway API: The Future of Ingress Traffic Routing | 深入探讨 Cilium Gateway API:Ingress 流量路由的未来
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:21 - 11:26 HKT
In the cloud-native era, the traffic routing and secure access of microservices architecture have gone beyond the traditional Kubernetes Ingress API. Cloud-native solutions provide more flexible, scalable, and secure ways to manage traffic both inside and outside the cluster.
For example, Service Mesh technologies like Istio and Linkerd provide rich traffic management features, including dynamic routing, circuit breaking, retries, timeouts, and more. They also have built-in secure service-to-service authentication and encrypted communication, significantly improving the overall system security.
Additionally, modern API gateways like Cilium can seamlessly integrate with Kubernetes, providing more fine-grained routing rules, load balancing, monitoring, and other functionalities. They can serve as the unified entry point for the cluster, simplifying the management of external access.

在云原生时代,微服务架构的流量路由和安全访问已经超越了传统的 Kubernetes Ingress API。云原生解决方案提供了更灵活、可扩展和安全的方式来管理集群内外的流量。

例如,像 Istio 和 Linkerd 这样的服务网格技术提供了丰富的流量管理功能,包括动态路由、熔断、重试、超时等。它们还内置了安全的服务间身份验证和加密通信,大大提高了系统的整体安全性。

此外,像 Cilium 这样的现代 API 网关可以无缝集成 Kubernetes,提供更细粒度的路由规则、负载均衡、监控等功能。它们可以作为集群的统一入口点,简化外部访问的管理。
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:21 - 11:26 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:28 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: Explore Secure Artifacts Storage and Management with Harbor | 探索使用 Harbor 进行安全的制品存储和管理
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:28 - 11:33 HKT
Harbor is well known as a trusted open source registry that offers rich set of functionalities and align with secure supply chain of artifacts store and management.
In this sessions, we will talk about the most exciting security related features in our recent releases, especially for SBOM generation and management that adopt OCI spec 1.1
Secure artifacts future expectation in Harbor would come into discussion as well. Like supporting of scanning oci-compatible helm charts, landing encrypted images, enhancement of security hub etc..
Please join us and explore more possibilities for secure your artifacts in cloud-native registry

Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:28 - 11:33 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:35 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: nerdctl: Docker-compatible CLI for containerd | nerdctl:基于 containerd 的兼容 Docker CLI
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:35 - 11:40 HKT
During this session, participants will learn about nerdctl’s compatibility compared to Docker and Podman, along with features that Docker has not yet implemented. These include:
* Lazy-pulling with Stargz/Nydus/OverlayBD
* Peer-to-peer image distribution with IPFS
* Image encryption with OCIcrypt
* Image signing with Cosign
* Slirp-less rootless containers with bypass4netns
* Interactive Dockerfile debugging with buildg

Furthermore, the session will delve into nerdctl’s features, related projects(such as Lima, AWS Finch, Colima, Rancher Desktop, Kind ...), and the envisioned roadmap for its future development. Lastly, we aim to delve deeper into community engagement to contribute to the project.

在本次会议中,参与者将了解 nerdctl 与 Docker 和 Podman 的兼容性,以及 Docker 尚未实现的功能。这些功能包括:

* 使用 Stargz/Nydus/OverlayBD 进行延迟拉取
* 使用 IPFS 进行点对点镜像分发
* 使用 OCIcrypt 进行镜像加密
* 使用 Cosign 进行镜像签名
* 使用 bypass4netns 实现无 Slirp 的无根容器
* 使用 buildg 进行交互式 Dockerfile 调试

此外,本次会议还将深入探讨 nerdctl 的功能、相关项目(如 Lima、AWS Finch、Colima、Rancher Desktop、Kind 等),以及其未来开发的愿景路线图。最后,我们还将深入讨论社区参与,为项目的贡献做出贡献。
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:35 - 11:40 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:42 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: What's new in Kuasar 1.0? | Kuasar 1.0 有什么新特性?
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:42 - 11:47 HKT
Open-sourced in April 2023 and joining the CNCF in December, Kuasar is already a year and a half old. As the Sandbox API stabilizes in the upcoming containerd 2.0 release in 2024, Kuasar has been the first to complete adaptation and updates, with native support for containerd 2.0. In the forthcoming 1.0 release, Kuasar will undergo significant updates, including the latest Sandbox API, new adaptations to microVM, WebAssembly, appKernel, and runc containers. We're excited to share the progress of the Kuasar project. Come join us and ask your questions to the on-site Kuasar maintainers.

Kuasar 于 2023 年 4 月开源,并于同年 12 月加入 CNCF,至今已有一年半的历史。随着 Sandbox API 在即将发布的 containerd 2.0 中稳定下来,Kuasar 成为首个完成适配和更新,并原生支持 containerd 2.0 的项目。在即将发布的 1.0 版本中,Kuasar 将经历重大更新,包括最新的 Sandbox API,以及对微虚拟机(microVM)、WebAssembly、应用内核(appKernel)和 runc 容器的新适配。我们非常期待分享 Kuasar 项目的进展。欢迎加入我们,并向现场的 Kuasar 维护者提问。
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:42 - 11:47 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:49 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: WasmEdge 0.14.0 release highlight | 项目闪电讲:WasmEdge 0.14.0 发布亮点
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:49 - 11:54 HKT
WasmEdge project released 0.14.0. In this version, we introduced lots of key features of the Wasm proposals, including WasmGC, Typed Function Reference, Exception Handling, and more. We also fully integrated the llama.cpp as our plugin to execute LLM. In this talk, I will give a quick update on the 0.14.0 highlight and the future roadmap of WasmEdge.

WasmEdge 项目发布了 0.14.0 版本。在这个版本中,我们引入了许多 Wasm 提案的关键特性,包括 WasmGC、Typed Function Reference、异常处理等等。我们还完全集成了 llama.cpp 作为我们执行 LLM 的插件。在这次讲话中,我将快速更新一下 0.14.0 版本的亮点以及 WasmEdge 的未来路线图。
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:49 - 11:54 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:56 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: Xline: Achieving Fast Consensus and High Performance in Wide-Area Networks | 项目闪电讲:Xline:在广域网络中实现快速共识和高性能
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:56 - 12:01 HKT
With the development of technology and the improvement of infrastructure, cloud computing is gradually entering the era of multi-cloud. In multi-cloud scenarios, the high latency of networks between clouds poses new infrastructure challenges. As one of the infrastructures in multi-cloud scenarios, Xline has proposed its solution to this challenge.

In this session, we‘ll introduce Xline, a distributed KV store designed to provide metadata management in WAN environments.

This presentation includes three parts:
1. What’s Xline and why do we need it
2. How does Xline achieve fast consensus within 1 RTT, while etcd needs 2
3. The benchmark report of Xline in LAN & WAN

随着技术的发展和基础设施的改善,云计算正逐渐进入多云时代。在多云场景中,云之间高延迟的网络成为新的基础设施挑战。作为多云场景中的基础设施之一,Xline 提出了其应对这一挑战的解决方案。

在本次会议中,我们将介绍 Xline,这是一个设计用于在广域网络环境中提供元数据管理的分布式 KV 存储系统。

1. Xline 是什么以及为什么我们需要它
2. Xline 如何在一个 RTT 内实现快速共识,而 etcd 需要 2 个 RTT
3. Xline 在局域网和广域网环境中的基准测试报告
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:56 - 12:01 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

12:03 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: Adaptive Tracing Propagation with OpenTelemetry: Navigating Protocol Diversity in the Cloud | 项目闪电讲:使用OpenTelemetry进行自适应跟踪传播:在云中导航协议多样性
Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:03 - 12:08 HKT
The cloud's vast landscape is characterized by a diversity of applications that employ different tracing protocols, each tailored to specific telemetry collection tools and requirements. This diversity results in an ecosystem where maintaining consistent and reliable traces across disparate systems is a significant challenge.
To address this, our contribution enhances OpenTelemetry with an adaptive approach to propagate multi-protocol trace signals. Building on this implementation, we have developed an adaptable and extendable trace propagation framework, facilitating a more seamless trace propagation process and ensuring instant compatibility with a diverse range of cloud services.
During this talk, we'll dive deep into the design and implementation of this feature and introduce how this mechanism achieves out-of-the-box functionality within our APM services.



Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:03 - 12:08 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

12:10 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: Karmada: Project introduction and updates | 项目闪电讲:Karmada:项目介绍与更新
Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:10 - 12:15 HKT
Karmada, a CNCF incubating project, aims to offer a unified control plane for seamless deployment and management across diverse cloud environments.

In this lightning talk, the following topic will be covered:

- Briefly introduction of Karmada
- Core Capabilities
- Key Use Cases
- Community updates



- Karmada简介
- 核心能力
- 关键使用案例
- 社区更新
Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:10 - 12:15 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

12:17 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: Kyverno Kickoff: Getting Your Team Onboard in a Flash | 项目闪电讲:Kyverno启动:快速让您的团队上车
Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:17 - 12:22 HKT
Convincing your team to adopt new technologies can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can successfully advocate for Kyverno's benefits. We'll discuss the key advantages of Kyverno, such as simplifying policy management, enhancing security, and streamlining compliance efforts within Kubernetes environments. In addition, we'll cover practical tips for addressing common concerns and showcasing Kyverno's value proposition in just 5 minutes.

Whether you're a developer, operator, or team lead, this talk will equip you with persuasive techniques to effectively communicate the benefits of Kyverno and inspire your team to embrace this powerful tool. Join us to discover how to navigate the path to successful Kyverno adoption and drive positive change within your organization."


Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:17 - 12:22 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

12:24 HKT

Project Lightning Talk: Telemetry API and Open Telemetry: the answer of istio monitoring? | 项目闪电讲:Telemetry API 和 OpenTelemetry:Istio 监控的答案?
Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:24 - 12:29 HKT
Telemetry API provides the ability to fine-gained telemetry(e.g. accesslog, metrics, tracing) configuration fro sidecar, Open Telemetry help you export telemetry data in a standard protocol, maybe this's the solution you're looking for Istio.

Telemetry API 提供了在 sidecar 上进行精细化遥测配置的能力(例如访问日志、指标、追踪),OpenTelemetry 则帮助您以标准协议导出遥测数据,也许这就是您寻找的 Istio 监控解决方案。
Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:24 - 12:29 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

13:50 HKT

Enhancing Cyber Resilience Through Zero Trust Chaos Experiments in Cloud Native Environments | 通过在云原生环境中进行零信任混沌实验来增强网络安全弹性 - Sayan Mondal, Harness & Rafik Harabi, Sysdig
Wednesday August 21, 2024 13:50 - 14:25 HKT
Cyber-attacks against cloud-native infrastructure are increasing in frequency and sophistication. The complexity of modern cloud-native systems and the speed at which technology is developing have outpaced cloud security solutions. On the flip side, cyber-criminals are taking advantage of these developments to launch successful cloud attacks. This session delves into the paradigm of Zero Trust Chaos Experiments, exploring how intentional disruptions and simulated cyber threats can uncover vulnerabilities and enhance cyber resilience. Through practical insights, we will illustrate the transformative impact of Zero Trust Chaos Experiments on organizations' ability to detect and mitigate cyber incidents. By the end of the session, participants will be equipped with actionable strategies and a better understanding of how Zero Trust Chaos Experiments can elevate cyber resilience in cloud-native environments

针对云原生基础设施的网络攻击频率和复杂性正在增加。现代云原生系统的复杂性和技术发展速度已经超过了云安全解决方案。与此同时,网络犯罪分子正在利用这些发展来发动成功的云攻击。 本场演讲将深入探讨零信任混沌实验的范式,探讨有意的干扰和模拟网络威胁如何揭示漏洞并增强网络安全弹性。通过实用的见解,我们将阐明零信任混沌实验对组织检测和缓解网络事件能力的转变影响。在会议结束时,参与者将掌握可操作的策略,并更好地了解零信任混沌实验如何提升云原生环境中的网络安全弹性。
avatar for Rafik Harabi

Rafik Harabi

Senior Solutions Architect, Sysdig
Rafik has more than 15 years of tech and internet industry experience. Currently, he is a Senior Solution Architect devoted to helping customers secure their cloud native platforms and applications. Before joining Sysdig, he was responsible for executing go-to cloud programmes in... Read More →
avatar for Sayan Mondal

Sayan Mondal

Senior Software Engineer 2, Harness
Sayan Mondal is a Senior Software Engineer II at Harness, building their Chaos Engineering platform and helping them shape the customer experience market. He's the maintainer of a few open-source libraries and is also a maintainer of LitmusChaos (the Incubating CNCF project). Sayan's... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 13:50 - 14:25 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Security

14:40 HKT

Best Practice: Karmada & Istio Improve Workload & Traffic Resilience of Production Distributed Cloud | 最佳实践:Karmada和Istio提高生产分布式云的工作负载和流量弹性 - Chaomeng Zhang, Huawei
Wednesday August 21, 2024 14:40 - 15:15 HKT
The Distributed cloud offers better resilience by providing redundancy, scalability and flexibility, especially for cloud native applications. However the complexity of multi-cluster workload and traffic management in hybrid or multi-cloud environment brings huge challenges in practice, such as the number of overall multi-cluster workload instances serve for customer request decreased when some unhealthy ones isolated in case of failures. In this speech, Chaomeng introduces a production practice of Karmada and Istio work together to promote resilience of multi-cluster application. How Karmada and Istio policies configured in a centralized control plane controls both replica and traffic distribution across cluster automatically. In case of failures, how Istio’s failover acts to remove unhealthy endpoints from global load balancing pool, and how Karmada rebuild the according number of instance in other healthy clusters, ensure multi-cluster instances always meet the capacity design.

分布式云通过提供冗余、可伸缩性和灵活性,特别是对于云原生应用程序,提供了更好的弹性。然而,在混合或多云环境中的多集群工作负载和流量管理的复杂性在实践中带来了巨大挑战,例如当一些不健康的实例在故障情况下被隔离时,为客户请求提供服务的整体多集群工作负载实例数量减少。 在这次演讲中,Chaomeng介绍了Karmada和Istio共同推动多集群应用程序弹性的生产实践。Karmada和Istio策略如何在集中控制平面中配置,自动控制跨集群的副本和流量分发。在发生故障时,Istio的故障转移如何从全局负载均衡池中移除不健康的端点,以及Karmada如何在其他健康集群中重新构建相应数量的实例,确保多集群实例始终满足容量设计。
avatar for Chaomeng Zhang

Chaomeng Zhang

Architect of UCS (HUAWEI Distributed Cloud Native), Huawei
Zhang Chaomeng is the architect of UCS (HUAWEI Distributed Cloud Native), has 9 years cloud computing related design and developing experience in HUAWEI Cloud, including service mesh, Kubernetes, micro service, cloud service catalog, big data, APM, cloud computing reliability and... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 14:40 - 15:15 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Connectivity

15:35 HKT

Strengthening Container Security: A Collaborative Journey | 加强容器安全性:共同的旅程 - Yi Zha, Microsoft & Beltran Rueda Borrego, VMware (part of Broadcom)
Wednesday August 21, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
Ensuring the integrity and authenticity of container images is critical in securing the container supply chain. As developers are increasingly using images from external sources, questions arise: How can we verify these images originate from trusted vendors? How do we guarantee they are not altered since their creation? In this session, you will learn from the real-world experience of VMware Bitnami, who partnered with the Notary Project community to implement image signing and verification. Bitnami will show you how they use Notary Project signatures to ensure the integrity and authenticity of images from Docker Hub. Don't miss this opportunity to gain practical insights into container security with Notary Project within your CI/CD pipelines and during Kubernetes deployments! Additionally, we’ll explore future enhancements, including attestation support, empowering users to verify images from various perspectives such as provenance, vulnerability assessment, and software compliance.

确保容器镜像的完整性和真实性对于保护容器供应链至关重要。随着开发人员越来越多地使用来自外部来源的镜像,一些问题浮出水面:我们如何验证这些镜像来自可信赖的供应商?我们如何确保它们自创建以来没有被篡改?在这场演讲中,您将从VMware Bitnami的实际经验中学习,他们与Notary项目社区合作实施了镜像签名和验证。Bitnami将向您展示他们如何使用Notary项目签名来确保来自Docker Hub的镜像的完整性和真实性。不要错过这个机会,在您的CI/CD流水线和Kubernetes部署中通过Notary项目获得容器安全的实用见解!此外,我们将探讨未来的增强功能,包括证明支持,使用户能够从各种角度验证镜像,如来源、漏洞评估和软件合规性。
avatar for Yi Zha

Yi Zha

Senior Product Manager, Microsoft
Yi is a senior product manager in Azure Container Upstream team at Microsoft and is responsible for container supply chain security for Azure services and customers. He is also a maintainer of CNCF project Notary, and a contributor of CNCF ORAS and OSS project Ratify.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Security

16:25 HKT

Staying Ahead of Fast-Moving Attackers | 保持领先于快速移动的攻击者 - Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy, Sysdig
Wednesday August 21, 2024 16:25 - 17:00 HKT
How to find the right balance between convenience, operational efficiency, and a strong security policy in a world of ephemeral containers? And how can we ensure security at a time when Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are more prevalent? In this talk we will present the latest Cloud Native Security & Usage Report findings on critical vulnerabilities inherent in today’s container security practices. We will also demonstrate how a compromised, short-lived container can be an insidious security risk, and what we can do to detect and mitigate those risks in real time using cloud native open source tools.

在一个短暂容器世界中,如何在便利性、运营效率和强大安全政策之间找到合适的平衡?在APT(高级持续性威胁)更加普遍的时代,我们如何确保安全? 在这次演讲中,我们将介绍最新的云原生安全和使用报告发现,揭示当今容器安全实践中存在的关键漏洞。 我们还将演示一个被 compromise 的短暂容器如何成为一个隐蔽的安全风险,以及我们如何使用云原生开源工具实时检测和减轻这些风险。
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Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy

Director, DevRel, Sysdig
Aizhamal is a Director of DevRel at Sysdig where she focuses on education around security and open source. Previously she worked at Google's OSPO where she helped build open source communities in cloud native and data analytics ecosystems.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 16:25 - 17:00 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Security

17:15 HKT

Time Series Database on Kubernetes: Efficient Management of Massive Internet of Vehicles Data | Kubernetes上的时序数据库:高效管理海量物联网车辆数据 - Vicky Lee, Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Today, more and more car companies are building a new generation of Internet of Vehicles platforms based on cloud-native technology stacks such as Kubernetes. However, as more and more cars are produced, they generate hundreds of GB of data every second, making it difficult to store massive data in real-time and making storage costs difficult to control. which requires the platform's underlying database to be low-cost, high-performance, and efficient. openGemini is a cloud-native distributed time series database with high performance and low cost. In data writing, we provide a dedicated high-performance data writing component that supports Arrow Flight. Regarding data storage, we provide specialized data compression algorithms and support local data storage and object storage. This talk will introduce how to build Internet of Vehicles platforms based on cloud-native technology stacks and share the technical practices on how to efficiently manage massive vehicle data.

今天,越来越多的汽车公司正在基于Kubernetes等云原生技术堆栈构建新一代车联网平台。然而,随着汽车的生产越来越多,它们每秒产生数百GB的数据,使得实时存储海量数据变得困难,存储成本难以控制。这就要求平台的底层数据库要低成本、高性能和高效。openGemini是一个具有高性能和低成本的云原生分布式时间序列数据库。在数据写入方面,我们提供了支持Arrow Flight的专用高性能数据写入组件。在数据存储方面,我们提供了专门的数据压缩算法,并支持本地数据存储和对象存储。 本次演讲将介绍如何基于云原生技术堆栈构建车联网平台,并分享如何有效管理海量车辆数据的技术实践。
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Vicky Lee

Engineer, Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd.
Vicky Lee, a Time-series database expert in the HUAWEI CLOUD Database Innovation Lab and the Co-founder of the openGemini community, has been engaged in distributed databases and NoSQL databases as a cloud service for many years. Currently, mainly dedicated to openGemini developm... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
Thursday, August 22

09:00 HKT

09:10 HKT

10:05 HKT

Keynote: Supporting Large-Scale and Reliability Testing in Kubernetes using KWOK | 主论坛演讲: 支持在Kubernetes中使用KWOK进行大规模和可靠性测试 - Yuan Chen, NVIDIA & Shiming Zhang, DaoCloud
Thursday August 22, 2024 10:05 - 10:20 HKT
Kubernetes is the de facto platform for running workloads at scale. This talk will present KWOK (https://kwok.sigs.k8s.io/), an open-source toolkit that enables the creation and testing of large-scale Kubernetes clusters with minimal resources, even on a laptop.
Shiming Zhang, the creator and maintainer of KWOK, and Yuan Chen, an engineer at NVIDIA GPU Cloud, will outline KWOK's capabilities to generate and manage a large number of virtual nodes that simulate Kubelet APIs and mimic real nodes, allowing for workload deployment and testing. They will discuss practical use cases of KWOK.

The talk will then introduce KWOK's recent enhancements for reliability and fault-tolerance testing, showcasing its ability to simulate failures by injecting targeted faults into nodes and pods. Through examples and demos, the talk will demonstrate how KWOK can be used for reliability testing and evaluating fault-tolerance mechanisms, ultimately improving workload resilience in Kubernetes.


KWOK的创始人和维护者张世明,以及NVIDIA GPU Cloud的工程师陈源,将详细阐述KWOK的功能,包括生成和管理大量模拟Kubelet API和真实节点的虚拟节点,从而支持工作负载的部署和测试。他们将讨论KWOK的实际使用案例。

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Yuan Chen

Principal Software Engineer, NVIDIA
Yuan Chen is a Principal Software Engineer at NVIDIA, working on building NVIDIA GPU Cloud. He served as a Staff Software Engineer at Apple from 2019 to 2024, where he contributed to the development of Apple's Kubernetes infrastructure. Yuan has been an active code contributor to... Read More →
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Shiming Zhang

Software Engineer, DaoCloud
Shiming Zhang is a contributor to Kubernetes with the main focus on scalability, performance, reliability, and testing, he gained experience and contributed to many Kubernetes features and most of its components.
Thursday August 22, 2024 10:05 - 10:20 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

10:20 HKT

11:00 HKT

Dollars and PPM's - Carbon Emissions and Cloud Spend | 美元和PPM - 碳排放和云支出 - Bryan Oliver, Thoughtworks
Thursday August 22, 2024 11:00 - 11:35 HKT
Cloud Carbon emissions are unfortunately not the priority of most enterprises. Costs, however, are. In the Cloud Native space, there is an ever-growing list of spend tracking and reduction tools. In this talk, we'll discuss several strategies you can adopt to unify the prioritization of cloud costs and carbon impact. We want to show how you can align with your business goal of simultaneously reducing cloud spend and overall carbon emissions.

云计算的碳排放很可惜并不是大多数企业的首要任务。成本,然而,是。在云原生领域,有越来越多的支出跟踪和降低工具。 在这次讨论中,我们将讨论几种您可以采用的策略,统一云成本和碳影响的优先级。我们希望展示如何与您同时降低云支出和整体碳排放的业务目标保持一致。
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Bryan Oliver

Principal, Thoughtworks
Bryan is an experienced engineer and leader who designs and builds complex distributed systems. He has spent his career developing mobile and back-end systems whilst building autonomous teams. More recently he has been focused on delivery and cloud native at Thoughtworks. In his free... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 11:00 - 11:35 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Observability

11:50 HKT

Beyond the Basics: Towards Making Thanos Production-Ready | 超越基础:朝着使Thanos达到生产就绪状态的方向前进 - Benjamin Huo & Junhao Zhang, QingCloud Technologies
Thursday August 22, 2024 11:50 - 12:25 HKT
As one of the most popular and powerful Prometheus long-term storage projects, Thanos is widely adopted by the community. But to use Thanos in production, there are still a lot of day-2 operations that need to be automated. In this talk, KubeSphere maintainers will share their experiences in using and maintaining Thanos in production including: - Kubernetes native definition of all Thanos components - Tenant isolation of ingestion, rule evaluation, compaction - Tenant-based autoscaling mechanism of Thanos Ingester, Ruler, and Compactor - The time-based partition of Thanos store - Tenant-based data lifetime management - The sharding mechanism of the global ruler to handle massive recording rules and alerting rules evaluation workload - The gateway & agent proxy mechanism for read/write with tenant access control - The basic_auth, built-in query UI, and external remote write and query support of the gateway - The tls support between Thanos components - The 3-tier config management

作为最受欢迎和强大的Prometheus长期存储项目之一,Thanos被社区广泛采用。但要在生产环境中使用Thanos,仍然需要自动化许多第二天的运维工作。在这次演讲中,KubeSphere的维护者将分享他们在生产环境中使用和维护Thanos的经验,包括: - 所有Thanos组件的Kubernetes本地定义 - 数据摄入、规则评估、压缩的租户隔离 - 基于租户的Thanos Ingester、Ruler和Compactor的自动扩展机制 - Thanos存储的基于时间的分区 - 基于租户的数据生命周期管理 - 全局规则分片机制,用于处理大量录制规则和警报规则评估工作负载 - 用于读写的网关和代理机制,带有租户访问控制 - 网关的basic_auth、内置查询UI以及外部远程写入和查询支持 - Thanos组件之间的tls支持 - 三层配置管理
avatar for Benjamin Huo

Benjamin Huo

Manager of the Architect and Observability Team, QingCloud Technologies, QingCloud Technologies
Benjamin Huo leads QingCloud Technologies' Architect team and Observability Team. He is the founding member of KubeSphere and the co-author of Fluent Operator, Kube-Events, Notification Manager, OpenFunction, and most recently eBPFConductor. He loves cloud-native technologies especially... Read More →
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Junhao Zhang

Senior Software Engineer, QingCloud Technologies
Junhao Zhang, Senior Development Engineer at QingCloud Technologies, is responsible for the research and development of container platform monitoring, alerting, and other cloud-native services. With many years of industry experience, he has previously held positions at companies such... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 11:50 - 12:25 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Observability

13:50 HKT

Implement Auto Instrumentation Under GraalVM Static Compilation on OTel Java Agent | GraalVM 静态编译下 OTel Java Agent 的自动增强方案与实现 - Zihao Rao & Ziyi Lin, Alibaba Cloud
Thursday August 22, 2024 13:50 - 14:25 HKT
GraalVM static compilation has a significant effect on improving Java application startup speed and runtime memory usage. It is very valuable for the Java to flourish in Cloud Native ecosystem. However, the automatic instrumentation originally provided based on Java Agent will become invalid after static compilation. We designed a static instrumentation solution in GraalVM to solve above problem. This speech will introduce the overall design idea of the solution and related test results in OTel Java Agent.

GraalVM静态编译对于提升Java应用的启动速度和运行时内存占用有着显著的效果,对于Java在云生态中的蓬勃发展有着十分宝贵的价值。然而,原本基于Java Agent提供的自动插桩功能在静态编译之后将会失效。针对上述问题我们在GraalVM中设计了静态插桩方案,本演讲将介绍该方案的整体设计思路以及在OTel Java Agent中的相关测试结果。
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Zihao Rao

Software Engineer, Alibaba Cloud
Zihao is a software engineer at Alibaba Cloud. Over the past few years, he has participated in several well-known open source projects, he is steering committee member of Spring Cloud Alibaba project, and is a triager for OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation now.
avatar for Ziyi Lin

Ziyi Lin

Senior Software Engineer, Alibaba Cloud
Author of book "Static compilation for Java in GraalVM: the principles and practice". ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper award winner (ICSE'23). Committor of Apache incubating Teaclave Java TEE SDK(https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave-java-tee-sdk). Active contributor of GraalVM(https://github.com/pulls?q=is%3Apr+org%3Aoracle+author%3Aziyilin... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 13:50 - 14:25 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Observability

14:40 HKT

Kelemetry: Global Control Plane Tracing for Kubernetes | Kelemetry:面向Kubernetes控制面的全局追踪系统 - Wei Shao & Jonathan Chan, ByteDance
Thursday August 22, 2024 14:40 - 15:15 HKT
Debugging Kubernetes system issues is complicated: different controllers manipulate objects independently, sometimes triggering changes in other controllers. Unlike traditional RPC-based services, the relationship between components is not explicit; identifying which component causes an issue could be like finding a needle in a haystack. Components expose their own fragmented data, often limited to the lifecycle of a single request and fail to illustrate the bigger picture of asynchronous causal events. This talk introduces Kelemetry, a global tracing system for the Kubernetes control plane using scattered data sources from audit log, events, informers and component traces. Through several demonstrations of troubleshooting online problems, we will see how Kelemetry reveals the state transition of related objects over a long timespan and reconstructs the causal hierarchy of events to provide intuitive insight into the What, When and Why of everything going on in a Kubernetes system.

调试Kubernetes系统问题是复杂的:不同的控制器独立地操作对象,有时会触发其他控制器的变化。与传统的基于RPC的服务不同,组件之间的关系并不明确;确定哪个组件引起了问题就像在一堆草堆中找针一样困难。组件展示它们自己的碎片化数据,通常仅限于单个请求的生命周期,并未展示异步因果事件的整体情况。 本次演讲介绍了Kelemetry,这是一个利用审计日志、事件、通知器和组件跟踪的分散数据源的Kubernetes控制平面全局跟踪系统。通过几次在线问题排查演示,我们将看到Kelemetry如何揭示相关对象在长时间跨度内的状态转换,并重建事件的因果层次结构,以提供对Kubernetes系统中发生的一切的直观洞察。
avatar for Wei Shao

Wei Shao

Senior Software Engineer, ByteDance
Wei Shao is a tech lead on the Orchestration & Scheduling team at ByteDance, and a maintainer of KubeWharf projects. Wei has 6+ years of experience in the cloud native area, focusing on resource management and performance-enhanced systems in K8s. Wei led the development of multiple... Read More →
avatar for Jonathan Chan

Jonathan Chan

Software engineer, ByteDance
Jonathan is a software engineer at ByteDance working on Kubernetes related infrastructure such as observability systems and cluster federation. He is also a passionate contributor to a number of open source projects.
Thursday August 22, 2024 14:40 - 15:15 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Observability

15:35 HKT

KubeSkoop: Deal with the Complexity of Network Issues and Monitoring with eBPF | KubeSkoop:使用eBPF处理网络问题和监控的复杂性 - Yutong Li, Alibaba Cloud & Bingshen Wang, AlibabaCloud
Thursday August 22, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
Troubleshooting network issues has always been one of the most difficult parts, especially on Kubernetes. Containerization and microservice results in a denser network topology and more dependencies on various layers of network stack modules, and the new network technology and architecture introduced by AI also provided a significant challenge in observability and diagnosis. We developed KubeSkoop, the networking monitoring and diagnosis suite for Kubernetes. With the eBPF technology, it provides a deep monitoring and tracing of Kubernetes network, to help users quickly locate the network jitter problem happened in the cluster. It also provides the network connectivity check ability, which can help users solve network connectivity issues by one click. This topic will introduce as follows: ● What makes Kubernetes networking complex. ● Introduction to KubeSkoop. ● How we use eBPF to monitor container networking. ● The practices of KubeSkoop in large-scale production environment.

网络问题的故障排除一直是最困难的部分之一,尤其是在Kubernetes上。容器化和微服务导致了更密集的网络拓扑结构,以及对各个网络堆栈模块的更多依赖,人工智能引入的新网络技术和架构也在可观察性和诊断方面提出了重大挑战。 我们开发了KubeSkoop,这是专为Kubernetes设计的网络监控和诊断套件。利用eBPF技术,它提供了对Kubernetes网络的深度监控和跟踪,帮助用户快速定位集群中发生的网络抖动问题。它还提供了网络连接性检查功能,可以帮助用户通过一键解决网络连接问题。 本主题将介绍以下内容: ● 什么使Kubernetes网络变得复杂。 ● KubeSkoop的介绍。 ● 我们如何使用eBPF来监控容器网络。 ● KubeSkoop在大规模生产环境中的实践。
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wang bingshen

Senior Engineer, AlibabaCloud
Bingshen Wang is a Senior Engineer in Alibaba Could, a maintainer of KubeSkoop/Terway/OpenYurt, and a contributor of Kubernetes/Containerd. He mainly focuses on container networking and runtime, and has many years of experience around managing Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes clusters. He... Read More →
avatar for Tony Li

Tony Li

Software Engineer, Alibaba Cloud
Yutong Li is a Software Engineer at Alibaba Cloud. He is working on designing and maintaining container network for Alibaba Cloud Container Service, and open source Kubernetes networking diagnose tool KubeSkoop.
Thursday August 22, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Observability

16:25 HKT

Observability Supercharger: Build the Traffic Topology Map for Millions of Containers with Zero Code | 可观测性超级增强器:使用零代码为数百万个容器构建流量拓扑图 - Sheng Wei & Teck Chuan Lim, Shopee
Thursday August 22, 2024 16:25 - 17:00 HKT
Kubernetes makes container orchestration and management simple and easy. However, with the surge of applications and middleware onboard Kubernetes, it is difficult to analyze and identify the relationship and dependencies between huge amounts of services and middleware. The most general way requires the business side to make code changes to expose more information, which is impossible to cover for all applications. In this session, we will share: * How does Shopee leverage eBPF to build a universal map for a million containers in production environments? * How do we implement distributed tracing for arbitrary third-party middleware with different protocols and usage patterns? * How do we optimize eBPF code and Linux Kernel to minimize the impacts for injected containers? * How did we integrate with BigData and AI Stack to fully utilize the data for abnormal detection and incident troubleshooting?

Kubernetes使容器编排和管理变得简单易行。然而,随着应用程序和中间件在Kubernetes上的激增,分析和识别大量服务和中间件之间的关系和依赖关系变得困难。最常见的方法需要业务方进行代码更改以公开更多信息,这对所有应用程序来说是不可能覆盖的。 在本场演讲中,我们将分享: *Shopee如何利用eBPF在生产环境中为百万个容器构建通用映射? *我们如何为具有不同协议和使用模式的任意第三方中间件实现分布式跟踪? *我们如何优化eBPF代码和Linux内核以最小化对注入容器的影响? *我们如何与大数据和人工智能堆栈集成,充分利用数据进行异常检测和故障排除?
avatar for Teck Chuan Lim

Teck Chuan Lim

Engineer, Shopee
Been working with Shopee since graduation in 2018. I am a long standing core team member of the engineering infrastructure team and took charge to drive Shopee's engineering infrastructure ecosystem from DevOps to DataOps. As of the moment, I am taking charge to drive forward towards... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 16:25 - 17:00 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions, Observability

17:15 HKT

Working with Raw Disk Drives in Kubrenetes — YDB's Experience | 在Kubernetes中使用原始磁盘驱动器——YDB的经验 - Ivan Blinkov, YDB
Thursday August 22, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
YDB is an open-source distributed database management system that, for performance reasons, uses raw disk drives (block devices) to store all data, without any filesystem. It was relatively straightforward to manage such setup in the bare-metal world of the past, but the dynamic nature of cloud-native environments introduced new challenges to keep this performance benefit. In this talk, we'll explore how to leverage Kubernetes and the Operator design pattern to modernize how stateful distributed database clusters are managed without changing the primary approach to how the data is physically stored.

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Ivan Blinkov

VP, Product and Open-Source, YDB
Ivan Blinkov is a seasoned technical leader specializing in data storage and processing. Over the last decade, he was involved in the development of several database management systems, two of which are open-source: ClickHouse in the past and, more recently, YDB.
Thursday August 22, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
Friday, August 23

09:00 HKT

09:05 HKT

Keynote: Deploying LLM Workloads on Kubernetes by WasmEdge and Kuasar | 主论坛演讲: 使用WasmEdge和Kuasar在Kubernetes上部署LLM工作负载 - Tianyang Zhang, Huawei Cloud & Xiaowei Hu, Second State
Friday August 23, 2024 09:05 - 09:20 HKT
LLMs are powerful artificial intelligence models capable of comprehending and generating natural language. However, the conventional methods for running LLMs pose significant challenges, including complex package installations, GPU devices compatibility concerns, inflexible scaling, limited resource monitoring and statistics, and security vulnerabilities on native platforms. WasmEdge introduces a solution enabling the development of swift, agile, resource-efficient, and secure LLMs applications. Kuasar enables running applications on Kubernetes with faster container startup and reduced management overheads. This session will demonstrate running Llama3-8B on a Kubernetes cluster using WasmEdge and Kuasar as container runtimes. Attendees will explore how Kubernetes enhances efficiency, scalability, and stability in LLMs deployment and operations.

LLM是强大的人工智能模型,能够理解和生成自然语言。然而,传统的运行LLM的方法存在重大挑战,包括复杂的软件包安装、GPU设备兼容性问题、不灵活的扩展性、有限的资源监控和统计,以及在本地平台上的安全漏洞。 WasmEdge提出了一种解决方案,可以开发快速、灵活、资源高效和安全的LLM应用程序。Kuasar使应用程序能够在Kubernetes上运行,具有更快的容器启动速度和减少的管理开销。本场演讲将演示如何使用WasmEdge和Kuasar作为容器运行时,在Kubernetes集群上运行Llama3-8B。与会者将探索Kubernetes如何提高LLM部署和运营的效率、可扩展性和稳定性。
avatar for Vivian Hu

Vivian Hu

Product Manager, Second State
Vivian Hu is a Product Manager at Second State and a columnist at InfoQ. She is a founding member of the WasmEdge project. She organizes Rust and WebAssembly community events in Asia.
avatar for Tianyang Zhang

Tianyang Zhang

Software Engineer, Huawei Cloud
Working on container runtime at Huawei Cloud. He is the maintainer of Kuasar and the reviewer of Containerd rust-extension repository.
Friday August 23, 2024 09:05 - 09:20 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
  Keynote Sessions | 主论坛演讲, AI + ML

09:25 HKT

09:55 HKT

10:35 HKT

Deep Dive Into Windows CSI Driver HostProcess Containers | 深入探讨Windows CSI驱动程序HostProcess容器 - Andy Zhang (OSTC) & Weizhi Chen, Microsoft
Friday August 23, 2024 10:35 - 11:10 HKT
Currently, most Windows CSI drivers depend on Windows csi-proxy because various privileged operations cannot be done from a containerized application running on a Windows node. Beginning in Kubernetes 1.23, HostProcess container is supported and it can run directly on the host as a regular process. Switching to HostProcess container deployment will make Windows CSI driver development and deployment easier. This session will cover the history and implementation details of Windows csi-proxy project, why csi-proxy is needed on Windows CSI driver starting in kubernetes 1.18, and why we removed this csi-proxy dependency from Kubernetes 1.26. We will explore the key learnings and gotchas we resolved while migrating Windows CSI driver development from csi-proxy dependent deployment to HostProcess container deployment. After attending this session, you will understand why and how to migrate your Windows applications to gain the benefits of using HostProcess containers.

目前,大多数Windows CSI驱动程序依赖于Windows csi-proxy,因为各种特权操作无法从在Windows节点上运行的容器化应用程序中执行。从Kubernetes 1.23开始,支持HostProcess容器,它可以直接在主机上作为常规进程运行。切换到HostProcess容器部署将使Windows CSI驱动程序的开发和部署变得更加简单。本场演讲将涵盖Windows csi-proxy项目的历史和实施细节,解释为什么从Kubernetes 1.18开始在Windows CSI驱动程序中需要csi-proxy,以及为什么我们在Kubernetes 1.26中删除了这种csi-proxy依赖性。我们将探讨在将Windows CSI驱动程序开发从依赖于csi-proxy的部署迁移到HostProcess容器部署时解决的关键问题和注意事项。参加本场演讲后,您将了解为什么以及如何将您的Windows应用程序迁移到使用HostProcess容器以获得更多好处。
avatar for Andy Zhang (OSTC)

Andy Zhang (OSTC)

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Andy Zhang is the storage lead in Azure Kubernetes Service team at Microsoft, maintainer of multiple Kubernetes projects, including Windows csi-proxy project, Azure CSI drivers, SMB, NFS, iSCSI CSI drivers, etc. Andy focuses on improving the experience of using storage in Kuberne... Read More →
avatar for Weizhi Chen

Weizhi Chen

Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft
Work at Microsoft AKS team on Kubernetes. Focus on k8s storage drivers on Azure.
Friday August 23, 2024 10:35 - 11:10 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:25 HKT

Evolution of SPDK Vhost-FS Solution to Accelerate File Access in VMs and Secure Containers | SPDK Vhost-FS解决方案的演进,加速虚拟机中的文件访问并保护容器 - Changpeng Liu, Intel
Friday August 23, 2024 11:25 - 12:00 HKT
Virtio-fs is a shared file system between virtual machines or secure containers and host, Storage Performance Development Kit(SPDK) vhost-fs is the backend implementation of virtio-fs in userspace, in this presentation, we will summarize typical storage solutions that use SPDK vhost-fs and components to build the storage stack, then go through the evolution of SPDK vhost-fs from BlobFS to latest FSDEV module, advanced features such as interrupt mode and thread modeling for data processing in SPDK vhost-fs are also covered.

Virtio-fs是虚拟机或安全容器与主机之间共享文件系统,Storage Performance Development Kit(SPDK) vhost-fs是virtio-fs在用户空间的后端实现。在本次演讲中,我们将总结使用SPDK vhost-fs和组件构建存储栈的典型存储解决方案,然后介绍SPDK vhost-fs从BlobFS到最新的FSDEV模块的演变过程,还将涵盖SPDK vhost-fs中用于数据处理的高级功能,如中断模式和线程建模。
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Changpeng Liu

Cloud Solution Architect, Intel
Changpeng is a Cloud Solution Architect at Intel. He has been working on Storage Performance Development Kit since 2014. Currently, Changpeng is a core maintainer for the SPDK. His areas of expertise include NVMe, I/O Virtualization, and storage offload on IPU.
Friday August 23, 2024 11:25 - 12:00 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

13:20 HKT

JuiceFS CSI in Multi-Thousand Node Kubernetes Clusters for LLM Pre-Training | JuiceFS CSI在LLM预训练中用于几千节点Kubernetes集群 - Weiwei Zhu, juicedata
Friday August 23, 2024 13:20 - 13:55 HKT
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technologies, especially the development of large language models (LLMs), has led to a sharp increase in the amount of data that enterprises need to process. Managing large-scale data clusters in Kubernetes environments presents several challenges, including storage performance, complex access control management and system stability. JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system designed for cloud. It was open-sourced in 2021( 9.8k stars) To deliver an optimal experience in Kubernetes, JuiceFS developed JuiceFS CSI Driver. In addition, JuiceFS CSI introduced several new designs to support large-scale, complex AI training tasks such as the mount pod mode and the sidecar mode for serverless environments. Outline: - LLM Storage challenges - JuiceFS CSI Driver Architectural - Mount pod mode\Sidecar mode - Practical experience - Future

人工智能技术的快速发展,特别是大型语言模型(LLMs)的发展,导致企业需要处理的数据量急剧增加。在Kubernetes环境中管理大规模数据集群面临着多个挑战,包括存储性能、复杂的访问控制管理和系统稳定性。 JuiceFS是一种为云设计的分布式POSIX文件系统。它于2021年开源(拥有9.8k星)。为了在Kubernetes中提供最佳体验,JuiceFS开发了JuiceFS CSI驱动程序。此外,JuiceFS CSI引入了几项新设计,以支持大规模、复杂的人工智能训练任务,如挂载Pod模式和用于无服务器环境的Sidecar模式。 大纲: - LLM存储挑战 - JuiceFS CSI驱动程序架构 - 挂载Pod模式\Sidecar模式 - 实践经验 - 未来
avatar for Weiwei Zhu

Weiwei Zhu

Full stack engineer, juicedata
She is a full-stack engineer of Juicedata.Inc, maintainer of JuiceFS CSI driver and Fluid. She is responsible for development and maintenance of JuiceFS in the Cloud-Native ecosystem, completed the implementation and practice of JuiceFS in Kubernetes, and continued to improve the... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 13:20 - 13:55 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

14:10 HKT

KuaiShou's 100% Resource Utilization Boost: 100K Redis Migration from Bare Metal to Kubernetes | 快手的100%资源利用率提升:从裸机迁移100K Redis到Kubernetes - XueQiang Wu, ApeCloud & YuXing Liu, Kuaishou
Friday August 23, 2024 14:10 - 14:45 HKT
In the past year, Kuaishou successfully migrated nearly 100,000 Redis instances from traditional bare metal environments to the Kubernetes platform, achieving a significant doubling of resource utilization. While ensuring business stability, this large-scale migration faced numerous challenges, including smooth migration execution, finding a balance between increasing deployment density (resource utilization) and ensuring system stability, avoiding interference with other services during coexistence, and addressing specific issues associated with stateful services like databases (including data management, configuration management, ensuring high availability, cross-cluster disaster recovery, etc.). This session will share Kuaishou's large-scale practical experience in Redis cloud-native transformation, in collaboration with the open-source project KubeBlocks, covering aspects such as smooth migration, resource efficiency improvement, and efficient database management.

在过去的一年中,快手成功将近10万个Redis实例从传统裸机环境迁移到Kubernetes平台,实现资源利用率显著翻倍。在确保业务稳定性的同时,这一大规模迁移面临诸多挑战,包括顺利执行迁移、在增加部署密度(资源利用率)和确保系统稳定性之间找到平衡、在共存期间避免与其他服务的干扰,以及解决与数据库等有状态服务相关的特定问题(包括数据管理、配置管理、确保高可用性、跨集群灾难恢复等)。 本场演讲将分享快手在Redis云原生转型方面的大规模实践经验,与开源项目KubeBlocks合作,涵盖顺利迁移、资源效率提升和高效数据库管理等方面。
avatar for yuxing liu

yuxing liu

senior software engineer, Kuaishou
I have worked in the cloud-native teams of Alibaba Cloud and Kuaishou, focusing on the cloud-native field and gaining experience in open source, commercialization, and scaling of cloud-native technologies. I am one of the maintainers of the CNCF/Dragonfly project and also one of the... Read More →
avatar for XueQiang Wu

XueQiang Wu

Director of Research and Development, ApeCloud
Former tech leader at Alibaba Cloud PolarDB-X, a cloud-native distributed database, with a wide range of interests and expertise in operating systems, cryptography, distributed systems, and more. Joined the PolarDB-X team in 2017, focusing on the development of high-concurrency, low-latency... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 14:10 - 14:45 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

15:15 HKT

The Challenges of Kubernetes Data Protection - Real Examples and Solutions with Velero | Kubernetes数据保护的挑战- Velero的真实案例和解决方案 - Wenkai Yin, Broadcom & Bruce Zou, Shanghai Jibu Tech
Friday August 23, 2024 15:15 - 15:50 HKT
The distributed and dynamic nature of Kubernetes makes data protection challenging to guarantee data availability and durability, below are summaries of the issues we encountered in the real customer environments: 1. Application definition and resources capture 2. Application data consistency 3.Application restore on heterogenous and across-cloud environments We provide the detailed description of these issues in the "Additional resources" section due to the character limitation of the "Description".

Kubernetes的分布式和动态特性使得数据保护变得具有挑战性,以确保数据的可用性和持久性。以下是我们在真实客户环境中遇到的问题摘要: 1. 应用程序定义和资源捕获 2. 应用程序数据一致性 3. 跨异构和跨云环境的应用程序恢复 由于“描述”部分的字符限制,我们将在“附加资源”部分提供这些问题的详细描述。
avatar for Bruce Zou

Bruce Zou

Jibu Tech, Co-founder and Development Director, Shanghai Jibu Tech
Over 10 years storage development and architecture experience working at IBM storage system lab, submitted 15+ disclosures and publications; supported 10+ big accounts for high end storage system critical issues. Rich experience in building high available storage systems, leading... Read More →
avatar for Wenkai Yin

Wenkai Yin

Staff Software Engineer, Broadcom
Staff software engineer, focus on cloud-native development. Core maintainers of open source project Harbor and Velero
Friday August 23, 2024 15:15 - 15:50 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

16:05 HKT

TiDB: Your Next MySQL Is Not a MySQL | TiDB:你的下一个 MySQL 何必是 MySQL - Qizhi Wang, PingCAP
Friday August 23, 2024 16:05 - 16:40 HKT
You might have heard of TiDB, a distributed open-source database known for its virtually limitless horizontal scalability, capable of handling both online transactional processing and analytical workloads while being compatible with the MySQL protocol. Traditionally, different databases have been employed to handle various workloads in our application architecture designs. Commonly, relational databases are used for online transaction processing, with data asynchronously distributed to analytical databases, document stores, and cache databases. With the rise of AI, an additional type of database needs consideration — the vector database. But introducing this type of database can add unnecessary complexity to your technology stack. This talk we will discuss how TiDB integrates multiple functionalities such as real-time transaction processing, online analytics, sharding-free architecture, and vector type computations, all aimed at reducing the cognitive load for developers.

您可能已经听说过 TiDB,这是一个分布式开源数据库,以其几乎无限的水平扩展性而闻名,能够处理在线事务处理和分析工作负载,同时兼容 MySQL 协议。 传统上,在我们的应用架构设计中,通常会使用不同的数据库来处理各种工作负载。通常情况下,关系数据库用于在线事务处理,数据会异步分布到分析数据库、文档存储和缓存数据库。随着人工智能的兴起,还需要考虑一种额外的数据库类型 —— 向量数据库。但引入这种类型的数据库可能会给您的技术堆栈增加不必要的复杂性。 在本次演讲中,我们将讨论 TiDB 如何集成多种功能,如实时事务处理、在线分析、无分片架构和向量类型计算,所有这些都旨在减少开发人员的认知负荷。
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Qizhi Wang

TiDB Ecosystem Software Architect and Senior Developer Advocate at PingCAP, PingCAP
Qizhi is a TiDB Ecosystem Software Architect & Senior Developer Advocate at PingCAP, the company behind TiDB. In this role, He focuses on EcoSystem development and has been instrumental in integrating TiDB with various platforms such as AWS, GORM, MySQL Connector/J, Hibernate, DBeaver... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 16:05 - 16:40 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

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