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21-23 August, 2024
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Thursday, August 22

15:35 HKT

Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm | Phippy的Wasm指南 - Karen Chu, Fermyon & Matt Butcher, Fermyon Technologies
Thursday August 22, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
The creators of the original Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes have written a fourth book, this time focused on the emerging technology that is WebAssembly, one of the fastest growing cloud native trends. As with previous books, we broach a complex technical topic with a fun and friendly format designed for all skill levels. On their camping trip with Blossom the Wasm Possum, Phippy and Zee’s adventures illustrate the basics of Wasm, introduce key terminology, and frame how it compliments existing cloud technologies like containers and Kubernetes. In the first half of the talk, we will do a reading of the book in Mandarin. We will then follow up (in English) with a technical overview of Wasm, latest updates to the ecosystem, and details on where to find the community.

原《插图儿童 Kubernetes 指南》的创作者们已经写了第四本书,这次的焦点是新兴技术 WebAssembly,这是增长最快的云原生趋势之一。与之前的书籍一样,我们以有趣友好的格式涉及复杂的技术主题,适合各种技能水平的读者。在他们与 Wasm 负鼠 Blossom 一起露营的旅行中,Phippy 和 Zee 的冒险展示了 Wasm 的基础知识,介绍了关键术语,并阐述了它如何与容器和 Kubernetes 等现有云技术相辅相成。在讲座的前半部分,我们将用普通话朗读这本书。然后我们将用英语进行技术概述,介绍 Wasm 生态系统的最新更新,并详细介绍社区的位置。
avatar for Karen Chu

Karen Chu

Head of Community, Fermyon
Karen Chu is the Head of Community at Fermyon Technologies. Having participated in the cloud native community since 2015, she is a CNCF Ambassador, Helm community manager/maintainer, emeritus Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee member, meet-up organizer, and conference organizer... Read More →
avatar for Matt Butcher

Matt Butcher

CEO, Fermyon Technologies
Matt Butcher (CEO) is a founder of Fermyon. He is one of the original creators of Helm, Brigade, CNAB, OAM, Glide, and Krustlet. He has written or co-written many books, including "Learning Helm" and "Go in Practice." He is a co-creator of the "Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 5
Friday, August 23

13:20 HKT

Java Me Smarter: Unleashing AI Power with Quarkus | Java让我更聪明:用Quarkus释放人工智能的力量 - Daniel Oh, Red Hat
Friday August 23, 2024 13:20 - 13:55 HKT
Feeling stuck in a rut with traditional Java development? This session injects a shot of AI innovation to supercharge your Java skills! Daniel will dive into Quarkus, a modern Java framework perfectly suited for building microservices, and explore how it seamlessly integrates with cutting-edge AI functionalities. Get ready to: - Boost Your Java IQ: Learn how Quarkus streamlines development and empowers you to build scalable, high-performance microservices. - Unleash the AI Powerhouse: Discover how to leverage AI capabilities within your Java applications. Daniel will explore real-world use cases, from intelligent data analysis and machine learning to chatbots and recommendation engines. - AI Made Easy: See how Quarkus simplifies the integration of AI models and services into your Java codebase, making AI development more accessible than ever. - Witness the Future: Uncover the exciting possibilities that emerge when you combine the power of Java with AI.

在传统的Java开发中感到困境?本次会话将为您的Java技能注入一剂AI创新的强心剂!Daniel将深入探讨Quarkus,这是一个现代化的Java框架,非常适合构建微服务,并探索它如何与尖端的AI功能无缝集成。准备好了吗: - 提升您的Java智商:了解Quarkus如何简化开发,让您能够构建可扩展、高性能的微服务。 - 发挥AI强大功能:发现如何在您的Java应用程序中利用AI功能。Daniel将探讨真实的用例,从智能数据分析和机器学习到聊天机器人和推荐引擎。 - AI变得简单:看看Quarkus如何简化AI模型和服务与您的Java代码库的集成,使AI开发变得比以往更加易于访问。 - 见证未来:揭示当您将Java的力量与AI相结合时所产生的令人兴奋的可能性。
avatar for Daniel Oh

Daniel Oh

Senior Principal Developer Advocate, Red Hat
Daniel Oh is a Java Champion and Senior Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat, passionately promoting the development of cloud-native microservices and serverless functions using cloud-native runtimes. As a CNCF ambassador, he actively contributes to various open-source cloud projects... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 13:20 - 13:55 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 5

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