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21-23 August, 2024
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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Sessions clear filter
Wednesday, August 21

17:15 HKT

Time Series Database on Kubernetes: Efficient Management of Massive Internet of Vehicles Data | Kubernetes上的时序数据库:高效管理海量物联网车辆数据 - Vicky Lee, Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Today, more and more car companies are building a new generation of Internet of Vehicles platforms based on cloud-native technology stacks such as Kubernetes. However, as more and more cars are produced, they generate hundreds of GB of data every second, making it difficult to store massive data in real-time and making storage costs difficult to control. which requires the platform's underlying database to be low-cost, high-performance, and efficient. openGemini is a cloud-native distributed time series database with high performance and low cost. In data writing, we provide a dedicated high-performance data writing component that supports Arrow Flight. Regarding data storage, we provide specialized data compression algorithms and support local data storage and object storage. This talk will introduce how to build Internet of Vehicles platforms based on cloud-native technology stacks and share the technical practices on how to efficiently manage massive vehicle data.

今天,越来越多的汽车公司正在基于Kubernetes等云原生技术堆栈构建新一代车联网平台。然而,随着汽车的生产越来越多,它们每秒产生数百GB的数据,使得实时存储海量数据变得困难,存储成本难以控制。这就要求平台的底层数据库要低成本、高性能和高效。openGemini是一个具有高性能和低成本的云原生分布式时间序列数据库。在数据写入方面,我们提供了支持Arrow Flight的专用高性能数据写入组件。在数据存储方面,我们提供了专门的数据压缩算法,并支持本地数据存储和对象存储。 本次演讲将介绍如何基于云原生技术堆栈构建车联网平台,并分享如何有效管理海量车辆数据的技术实践。
avatar for Vicky Lee

Vicky Lee

Engineer, Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd.
Vicky Lee, a Time-series database expert in the HUAWEI CLOUD Database Innovation Lab and the Co-founder of the openGemini community, has been engaged in distributed databases and NoSQL databases as a cloud service for many years. Currently, mainly dedicated to openGemini developm... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
Thursday, August 22

17:15 HKT

Working with Raw Disk Drives in Kubrenetes — YDB's Experience | 在Kubernetes中使用原始磁盘驱动器——YDB的经验 - Ivan Blinkov, YDB
Thursday August 22, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
YDB is an open-source distributed database management system that, for performance reasons, uses raw disk drives (block devices) to store all data, without any filesystem. It was relatively straightforward to manage such setup in the bare-metal world of the past, but the dynamic nature of cloud-native environments introduced new challenges to keep this performance benefit. In this talk, we'll explore how to leverage Kubernetes and the Operator design pattern to modernize how stateful distributed database clusters are managed without changing the primary approach to how the data is physically stored.

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Ivan Blinkov

VP, Product and Open-Source, YDB
Ivan Blinkov is a seasoned technical leader specializing in data storage and processing. Over the last decade, he was involved in the development of several database management systems, two of which are open-source: ClickHouse in the past and, more recently, YDB.
Thursday August 22, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2
Friday, August 23

10:35 HKT

Deep Dive Into Windows CSI Driver HostProcess Containers | 深入探讨Windows CSI驱动程序HostProcess容器 - Andy Zhang (OSTC) & Weizhi Chen, Microsoft
Friday August 23, 2024 10:35 - 11:10 HKT
Currently, most Windows CSI drivers depend on Windows csi-proxy because various privileged operations cannot be done from a containerized application running on a Windows node. Beginning in Kubernetes 1.23, HostProcess container is supported and it can run directly on the host as a regular process. Switching to HostProcess container deployment will make Windows CSI driver development and deployment easier. This session will cover the history and implementation details of Windows csi-proxy project, why csi-proxy is needed on Windows CSI driver starting in kubernetes 1.18, and why we removed this csi-proxy dependency from Kubernetes 1.26. We will explore the key learnings and gotchas we resolved while migrating Windows CSI driver development from csi-proxy dependent deployment to HostProcess container deployment. After attending this session, you will understand why and how to migrate your Windows applications to gain the benefits of using HostProcess containers.

目前,大多数Windows CSI驱动程序依赖于Windows csi-proxy,因为各种特权操作无法从在Windows节点上运行的容器化应用程序中执行。从Kubernetes 1.23开始,支持HostProcess容器,它可以直接在主机上作为常规进程运行。切换到HostProcess容器部署将使Windows CSI驱动程序的开发和部署变得更加简单。本场演讲将涵盖Windows csi-proxy项目的历史和实施细节,解释为什么从Kubernetes 1.18开始在Windows CSI驱动程序中需要csi-proxy,以及为什么我们在Kubernetes 1.26中删除了这种csi-proxy依赖性。我们将探讨在将Windows CSI驱动程序开发从依赖于csi-proxy的部署迁移到HostProcess容器部署时解决的关键问题和注意事项。参加本场演讲后,您将了解为什么以及如何将您的Windows应用程序迁移到使用HostProcess容器以获得更多好处。
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Andy Zhang (OSTC)

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Andy Zhang is the storage lead in Azure Kubernetes Service team at Microsoft, maintainer of multiple Kubernetes projects, including Windows csi-proxy project, Azure CSI drivers, SMB, NFS, iSCSI CSI drivers, etc. Andy focuses on improving the experience of using storage in Kuberne... Read More →
avatar for Weizhi Chen

Weizhi Chen

Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft
Work at Microsoft AKS team on Kubernetes. Focus on k8s storage drivers on Azure.
Friday August 23, 2024 10:35 - 11:10 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

11:25 HKT

Evolution of SPDK Vhost-FS Solution to Accelerate File Access in VMs and Secure Containers | SPDK Vhost-FS解决方案的演进,加速虚拟机中的文件访问并保护容器 - Changpeng Liu, Intel
Friday August 23, 2024 11:25 - 12:00 HKT
Virtio-fs is a shared file system between virtual machines or secure containers and host, Storage Performance Development Kit(SPDK) vhost-fs is the backend implementation of virtio-fs in userspace, in this presentation, we will summarize typical storage solutions that use SPDK vhost-fs and components to build the storage stack, then go through the evolution of SPDK vhost-fs from BlobFS to latest FSDEV module, advanced features such as interrupt mode and thread modeling for data processing in SPDK vhost-fs are also covered.

Virtio-fs是虚拟机或安全容器与主机之间共享文件系统,Storage Performance Development Kit(SPDK) vhost-fs是virtio-fs在用户空间的后端实现。在本次演讲中,我们将总结使用SPDK vhost-fs和组件构建存储栈的典型存储解决方案,然后介绍SPDK vhost-fs从BlobFS到最新的FSDEV模块的演变过程,还将涵盖SPDK vhost-fs中用于数据处理的高级功能,如中断模式和线程建模。
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Changpeng Liu

Cloud Solution Architect, Intel
Changpeng is a Cloud Solution Architect at Intel. He has been working on Storage Performance Development Kit since 2014. Currently, Changpeng is a core maintainer for the SPDK. His areas of expertise include NVMe, I/O Virtualization, and storage offload on IPU.
Friday August 23, 2024 11:25 - 12:00 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

13:20 HKT

JuiceFS CSI in Multi-Thousand Node Kubernetes Clusters for LLM Pre-Training | JuiceFS CSI在LLM预训练中用于几千节点Kubernetes集群 - Weiwei Zhu, juicedata
Friday August 23, 2024 13:20 - 13:55 HKT
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technologies, especially the development of large language models (LLMs), has led to a sharp increase in the amount of data that enterprises need to process. Managing large-scale data clusters in Kubernetes environments presents several challenges, including storage performance, complex access control management and system stability. JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system designed for cloud. It was open-sourced in 2021( 9.8k stars) To deliver an optimal experience in Kubernetes, JuiceFS developed JuiceFS CSI Driver. In addition, JuiceFS CSI introduced several new designs to support large-scale, complex AI training tasks such as the mount pod mode and the sidecar mode for serverless environments. Outline: - LLM Storage challenges - JuiceFS CSI Driver Architectural - Mount pod mode\Sidecar mode - Practical experience - Future

人工智能技术的快速发展,特别是大型语言模型(LLMs)的发展,导致企业需要处理的数据量急剧增加。在Kubernetes环境中管理大规模数据集群面临着多个挑战,包括存储性能、复杂的访问控制管理和系统稳定性。 JuiceFS是一种为云设计的分布式POSIX文件系统。它于2021年开源(拥有9.8k星)。为了在Kubernetes中提供最佳体验,JuiceFS开发了JuiceFS CSI驱动程序。此外,JuiceFS CSI引入了几项新设计,以支持大规模、复杂的人工智能训练任务,如挂载Pod模式和用于无服务器环境的Sidecar模式。 大纲: - LLM存储挑战 - JuiceFS CSI驱动程序架构 - 挂载Pod模式\Sidecar模式 - 实践经验 - 未来
avatar for Weiwei Zhu

Weiwei Zhu

Full stack engineer, juicedata
She is a full-stack engineer of Juicedata.Inc, maintainer of JuiceFS CSI driver and Fluid. She is responsible for development and maintenance of JuiceFS in the Cloud-Native ecosystem, completed the implementation and practice of JuiceFS in Kubernetes, and continued to improve the... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 13:20 - 13:55 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

14:10 HKT

KuaiShou's 100% Resource Utilization Boost: 100K Redis Migration from Bare Metal to Kubernetes | 快手的100%资源利用率提升:从裸机迁移100K Redis到Kubernetes - XueQiang Wu, ApeCloud & YuXing Liu, Kuaishou
Friday August 23, 2024 14:10 - 14:45 HKT
In the past year, Kuaishou successfully migrated nearly 100,000 Redis instances from traditional bare metal environments to the Kubernetes platform, achieving a significant doubling of resource utilization. While ensuring business stability, this large-scale migration faced numerous challenges, including smooth migration execution, finding a balance between increasing deployment density (resource utilization) and ensuring system stability, avoiding interference with other services during coexistence, and addressing specific issues associated with stateful services like databases (including data management, configuration management, ensuring high availability, cross-cluster disaster recovery, etc.). This session will share Kuaishou's large-scale practical experience in Redis cloud-native transformation, in collaboration with the open-source project KubeBlocks, covering aspects such as smooth migration, resource efficiency improvement, and efficient database management.

在过去的一年中,快手成功将近10万个Redis实例从传统裸机环境迁移到Kubernetes平台,实现资源利用率显著翻倍。在确保业务稳定性的同时,这一大规模迁移面临诸多挑战,包括顺利执行迁移、在增加部署密度(资源利用率)和确保系统稳定性之间找到平衡、在共存期间避免与其他服务的干扰,以及解决与数据库等有状态服务相关的特定问题(包括数据管理、配置管理、确保高可用性、跨集群灾难恢复等)。 本场演讲将分享快手在Redis云原生转型方面的大规模实践经验,与开源项目KubeBlocks合作,涵盖顺利迁移、资源效率提升和高效数据库管理等方面。
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yuxing liu

senior software engineer, Kuaishou
I have worked in the cloud-native teams of Alibaba Cloud and Kuaishou, focusing on the cloud-native field and gaining experience in open source, commercialization, and scaling of cloud-native technologies. I am one of the maintainers of the CNCF/Dragonfly project and also one of the... Read More →
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XueQiang Wu

Director of Research and Development, ApeCloud
Former tech leader at Alibaba Cloud PolarDB-X, a cloud-native distributed database, with a wide range of interests and expertise in operating systems, cryptography, distributed systems, and more. Joined the PolarDB-X team in 2017, focusing on the development of high-concurrency, low-latency... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 14:10 - 14:45 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

15:15 HKT

The Challenges of Kubernetes Data Protection - Real Examples and Solutions with Velero | Kubernetes数据保护的挑战- Velero的真实案例和解决方案 - Wenkai Yin, Broadcom & Bruce Zou, Shanghai Jibu Tech
Friday August 23, 2024 15:15 - 15:50 HKT
The distributed and dynamic nature of Kubernetes makes data protection challenging to guarantee data availability and durability, below are summaries of the issues we encountered in the real customer environments: 1. Application definition and resources capture 2. Application data consistency 3.Application restore on heterogenous and across-cloud environments We provide the detailed description of these issues in the "Additional resources" section due to the character limitation of the "Description".

Kubernetes的分布式和动态特性使得数据保护变得具有挑战性,以确保数据的可用性和持久性。以下是我们在真实客户环境中遇到的问题摘要: 1. 应用程序定义和资源捕获 2. 应用程序数据一致性 3. 跨异构和跨云环境的应用程序恢复 由于“描述”部分的字符限制,我们将在“附加资源”部分提供这些问题的详细描述。
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Bruce Zou

Jibu Tech, Co-founder and Development Director, Shanghai Jibu Tech
Over 10 years storage development and architecture experience working at IBM storage system lab, submitted 15+ disclosures and publications; supported 10+ big accounts for high end storage system critical issues. Rich experience in building high available storage systems, leading... Read More →
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Wenkai Yin

Staff Software Engineer, Broadcom
Staff software engineer, focus on cloud-native development. Core maintainers of open source project Harbor and Velero
Friday August 23, 2024 15:15 - 15:50 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

16:05 HKT

TiDB: Your Next MySQL Is Not a MySQL | TiDB:你的下一个 MySQL 何必是 MySQL - Qizhi Wang, PingCAP
Friday August 23, 2024 16:05 - 16:40 HKT
You might have heard of TiDB, a distributed open-source database known for its virtually limitless horizontal scalability, capable of handling both online transactional processing and analytical workloads while being compatible with the MySQL protocol. Traditionally, different databases have been employed to handle various workloads in our application architecture designs. Commonly, relational databases are used for online transaction processing, with data asynchronously distributed to analytical databases, document stores, and cache databases. With the rise of AI, an additional type of database needs consideration — the vector database. But introducing this type of database can add unnecessary complexity to your technology stack. This talk we will discuss how TiDB integrates multiple functionalities such as real-time transaction processing, online analytics, sharding-free architecture, and vector type computations, all aimed at reducing the cognitive load for developers.

您可能已经听说过 TiDB,这是一个分布式开源数据库,以其几乎无限的水平扩展性而闻名,能够处理在线事务处理和分析工作负载,同时兼容 MySQL 协议。 传统上,在我们的应用架构设计中,通常会使用不同的数据库来处理各种工作负载。通常情况下,关系数据库用于在线事务处理,数据会异步分布到分析数据库、文档存储和缓存数据库。随着人工智能的兴起,还需要考虑一种额外的数据库类型 —— 向量数据库。但引入这种类型的数据库可能会给您的技术堆栈增加不必要的复杂性。 在本次演讲中,我们将讨论 TiDB 如何集成多种功能,如实时事务处理、在线分析、无分片架构和向量类型计算,所有这些都旨在减少开发人员的认知负荷。
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Qizhi Wang

TiDB Ecosystem Software Architect and Senior Developer Advocate at PingCAP, PingCAP
Qizhi is a TiDB Ecosystem Software Architect & Senior Developer Advocate at PingCAP, the company behind TiDB. In this role, He focuses on EcoSystem development and has been instrumental in integrating TiDB with various platforms such as AWS, GORM, MySQL Connector/J, Hibernate, DBeaver... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 16:05 - 16:40 HKT
Level 2 | Grand Ballroom 1-2

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