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21-23 August, 2024
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CNCF Maintainer Track Sessions clear filter
Wednesday, August 21

11:00 HKT

SIG-Multicluster Intro and Deep Dive | SIG-Multicluster介绍和深入探讨 - Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson, Google; Hongcai Ren, Huawei; Jian Qiu, Red Hat
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:00 - 11:35 HKT
SIG-Multicluster is focused on solving common challenges related to the management of many Kubernetes clusters, and applications deployed across many clusters, or even across cloud providers. In this session, we'll give attendees an overview of the current status of the multi-cluster problem space in Kubernetes and of the SIG. We’ll discuss current thinking around best practices for multi-cluster deployments and what it means to be part of a ClusterSet. Then we’ll highlight current SIG projects, focused use cases, and ideas for what’s next. Most importantly, we’ll provide information on how you can get involved either as a contributor or as a user who wants to provide feedback about the SIG's current efforts and future direction. Bring your questions, problems, and ideas - help us expand the multi-cluster Kubernetes landscape!

SIG-Multicluster专注于解决与管理许多Kubernetes集群和部署在许多集群甚至跨云提供商的应用程序相关的常见挑战。在本场演讲中,我们将向与会者概述Kubernetes中多集群问题空间的当前状态和SIG。我们将讨论关于多集群部署最佳实践的当前思考以及成为ClusterSet的一部分意味着什么。然后,我们将重点介绍当前的SIG项目、关注的用例和下一步的想法。最重要的是,我们将提供有关如何参与其中的信息,无论是作为贡献者还是作为希望就SIG当前工作和未来方向提供反馈的用户。带上你的问题、问题和想法 - 帮助我们扩展多集群Kubernetes领域!
avatar for Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson

Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson

Principal Engineer, Google
Jeremy is a software engineer who works on Google Kubernetes Engine. His main focus is on simplifying the Kubernetes experience, and making it as easy as possible to deploy applications both within a cluster with things like GKE Autopilot, and across clusters with multi-cluster solutions... Read More →
avatar for Hongcai Ren

Hongcai Ren

Senior Software Engineer, Huawei
Hongcai Ren(@RainbowMango) is the CNCF Ambassador, who has been working on Kubernetes and other CNCF projects since 2019, and is the maintainer of the Kubernetes and Karmada projects.
avatar for Jian Qiu

Jian Qiu

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Qiu Jian is a developer at Redhat mainly focusing on multiple cluster management.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:00 - 11:35 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

11:50 HKT

Safeguarding Cloud Native Supply Chain | 保护云原生供应链-公证项目介绍,新功能和即将推出的内容 - Yi Zha, Microsoft & Mostafa Radwan, CloudRoads
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:50 - 12:25 HKT
Ensuring a secure supply chain for container images is vital in the cloud-native ecosystem. But how can you be certain that container images originate from trusted sources? And how can you verify that they haven’t been altered since their creation? Join this session to delve into how the Notary Project bolsters cloud native supply chains by leveraging authentic container images and other OCI artifacts. Our maintainers will present an overview of the project for newcomers. Discover the latest features that enhance software supply chains, gain insights into the roadmap, and explore upcoming developments, including attestations. Observe a user demonstrating how the Notary Project guarantees the integrity and authenticity of container images and arbitrary files. Our maintainers will be available to answer any questions you may have. Whether you’re new or experienced in container security, or someone interested in contributing to the project, this session is not to be missed!

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Mostafa Radwan

Principal Consultant, CloudRoads
Mostafa is a technologist and consultant specialized in cloud native computing. He started his career as a software engineer before getting in the trenches of application and production support. He enjoys helping enterprise companies successfully adopt DevOps and cloud native technologies... Read More →
avatar for Yi Zha

Yi Zha

Senior Product Manager, Microsoft
Yi is a senior product manager in Azure Container Upstream team at Microsoft and is responsible for container supply chain security for Azure services and customers. He is also a maintainer of CNCF project Notary, and a contributor of CNCF ORAS and OSS project Ratify.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 11:50 - 12:25 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

13:50 HKT

Power TiKV with in-Memory Engine | 使用内存引擎强化 TiKV - Chenjie Tang, PingCAP
Wednesday August 21, 2024 13:50 - 14:25 HKT
As a distributed kv database, TiKV supports no-transactional operations and transactional operations. In the transactional mode, there would be many kv versions if there are many UPDATE operations. Scanning such a range containing a large number of kv versions, the read latency is unpredictable. In order to achieve stable low latency for TiKV, we introduced a "In-Memory Engine" to reduce the read latency in such case. Meanwhile the "In-Memory Engine" also can improve the overall performance when there are some hot ranges with heavy read workload.

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Chenjie Tang

Engineer, PingCAP
TiKV committer, rust programmer, focus on large scale distributed system
Wednesday August 21, 2024 13:50 - 14:25 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

14:40 HKT

What Is the Future of Service Mesh? Sidecar or Sidecarless | 服务网格的未来是什么?边车还是无边车 - Zhonghu Xu, Huawei
Wednesday August 21, 2024 14:40 - 15:15 HKT
Istio is the most well known service mesh since 2017. From the long term, it has been evolving around sidecar, which is widely used by people. While some people claim the bad sideeffects of sidecar, istio has began to design a new sidecarless mode `Ambient` since 2022. Recently, after more than one years development, we made it beta in 1.22. In this presentation, we will also talk about what istio community has done recently, like Gateway API support, delta xDS status. At last, What is the future of istio then? Will we run all in Ambient mode or keep dual-wheel driving? Join us with the presentation, we will discuss the plans of the future,.

Istio自2017年以来是最知名的服务网格。从长期来看,它一直围绕着sidecar进行演进,这是被广泛使用的。虽然有些人声称sidecar会带来负面影响,但自2022年以来,istio已经开始设计一种新的无sidecar模式`Ambient`。最近,在经过一年多的开发后,我们在1.22版本中将其推出为beta版。 在这个演讲中,我们还将谈论istio社区最近所做的工作,比如Gateway API支持,delta xDS状态。 最后,那么istio的未来会是什么样子呢?我们会全部在Ambient模式下运行,还是保持双轮驱动?加入我们的演讲,我们将讨论未来的计划。
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Zhonghu Xu

Principle Engineer, huawei
Zhonghu is an open-source enthusiast and has focused on oss since 2017. In 2023, Zhonghu was awarded `Google Open Source Peer Bonus`. He has worked on istio for more than 6 years and has been a core Istio maintainer and the TOP 3 contributors. He has been continuously serving as Istio... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 14:40 - 15:15 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

15:35 HKT

OpenTelemetry Community Update | OpenTelemetry社区更新 - Zihao Rao & Huxing Zhang, Alibaba Cloud
Wednesday August 21, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
OpenTelemetry has emerged as the de facto standard for observability, gaining significant industry adoption. This talk delves into two key aspects: 1. Latest OpenTelemetry community updates: We'll explore latest within the OpenTelemetry community, presented by a community contributor. 2. Alibaba Cloud's Journey with OpenTelemetry adoption: We'll share Alibaba Cloud's experience adopting OpenTelemetry over the past several years. By actively engaging with the community, we've leveraged the community power to build full-stack observability capabilities based on OpenTelemetry. This includes: - Language-specific instrumentation for Java, Go, and Python - OpenTelemetry collectors - Continuous profiling - Observability for Large Language Model (LLM) based applications

OpenTelemetry已成为可观察性的事实标准,获得了行业的广泛采用。本次讨论涉及两个关键方面: 1. 最新的OpenTelemetry社区更新:我们将探讨OpenTelemetry社区的最新动态,由社区贡献者介绍。 2. 阿里云与OpenTelemetry采用的历程:我们将分享阿里云在过去几年中采用OpenTelemetry的经验。通过积极参与社区,我们利用社区力量构建了基于OpenTelemetry的全栈观测能力。这包括: - 针对Java、Go和Python的特定语言工具 - OpenTelemetry收集器 - 持续性能分析 - 针对基于大型语言模型(LLM)的应用的可观测性。
avatar for Huxing Zhang

Huxing Zhang

Staff Engineer, Alibaba Cloud
Huxing Zhang is a Staff Engineer of Alibaba Cloud working on observability. He is also member of Apache Software Foundation, PMC member of Apache Tomcat and Apache Dubbo. He speaks at ApacheCon, OTel Community Days, etc.
avatar for Zihao Rao

Zihao Rao

Software Engineer, Alibaba Cloud
Zihao is a software engineer at Alibaba Cloud. Over the past few years, he has participated in several well-known open source projects, he is steering committee member of Spring Cloud Alibaba project, and is a triager for OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation now.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

16:25 HKT

XRegistry - Looking Beyond CloudEvents | xRegistry - 超越CloudEvents - Leo Li, Red Hat
Wednesday August 21, 2024 16:25 - 17:00 HKT
CloudEvents helps in the delivery of events by standardizing where common event metadata can be found in the messages carrying those events without the need to understand the schema of each event. But discovering which endpoints support those events, how to communicate with them, and finding the schema of the messages carrying those events can be challenging. This is where xRegistry can be used. xRegisty defines a core set of interoperable APIs for a generic "registry" that can be used to persist and query its contents to help discover resources and their metadata. On top of this extensible base registry model we are developing 3 domain specific registries: Endpoint, Message and Schema registries - specifically aimed at enabling the automation, tooling and code generation often needed in distributed systems development. In this session you will learn about CloudEvents, xRegistry and how we're trying to help users be more productive in an event-driven world.

CloudEvents通过标准化事件元数据在携带这些事件的消息中的位置,帮助传递事件,而无需了解每个事件的架构。但是,发现哪些端点支持这些事件,如何与它们通信,以及找到携带这些事件的消息的架构可能具有挑战性。这就是xRegistry可以使用的地方。xRegistry定义了一组用于通用“注册表”的可互操作API,可用于持久化和查询其内容,以帮助发现资源及其元数据。在这个可扩展的基础注册表模型之上,我们正在开发3个特定领域的注册表:端点、消息和架构注册表 - 专门旨在实现分布式系统开发中经常需要的自动化、工具和代码生成。在本场演讲中,您将了解CloudEvents、xRegistry以及我们如何努力帮助用户在事件驱动的世界中更加高效。
avatar for Leo Li

Leo Li

Software Engineer Intern, Red Hat
Leo is a passionate Knative Eventing Maintainer and the technical lead of Knative UX Working Group. He developed a comprehensive Knative sample app, co-created the “Intro to Open Source” learning path on KubeByExample, and implemented key features like HTTPS support for the Kafka... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 16:25 - 17:00 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

17:15 HKT

Enhancing Application Delivery with KubeVela: Introducing the New Cuex Feature | 通过KubeVela增强应用交付:介绍新的Cuex功能 - Fog Dong, BentoML
Wednesday August 21, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
As the pace of software development accelerates, the need for more dynamic and flexible application delivery systems becomes crucial. KubeVela, as a modern application delivery system, has continuously evolved to meet these demands. In this session, the maintainers are excited to present the latest advancements in KubeVela, focusing on the introduction of our groundbreaking feature: Cuex. Cuex is designed to revolutionize the way developers interact with KubeVela by simplifying the process of writing and managing application definitions. This innovative feature enhances the core capabilities of KubeVela, allowing users not only to write definitions more effectively but also to extend the platform's functionality by registering their own custom functions as Cuex actions. Join us to explore how KubeVela is setting new standards in application delivery and how you can be a part of this evolving journey.

随着软件开发速度加快,对更具动态性和灵活性的应用交付系统的需求变得至关重要。作为现代应用交付系统,KubeVela不断发展以满足这些需求。在本场演讲中,维护人员很高兴地介绍KubeVela的最新进展,重点介绍我们的突破性功能Cuex的介绍。 Cuex旨在通过简化编写和管理应用程序定义的过程,彻底改变开发人员与KubeVela互动的方式。这一创新功能增强了KubeVela的核心功能,使用户不仅可以更有效地编写定义,还可以通过注册自定义函数作为Cuex操作来扩展平台的功能。 加入我们,探索KubeVela如何在应用交付领域树立新的标准,以及您如何成为这一不断发展之旅的一部分。
avatar for Fog Dong

Fog Dong

Senior Software Engineer, BentoML
Fog Dong, a Senior Engineer at BentoML, KubeVela maintainer, CNCF Ambassador, and LFAPAC Evangelist, has a rich background in cloud native. Previously instrumental in developing Alibaba's large-scale Serverless Application Engine workflows and Bytedance's cloud-native CI/CD platform... Read More →
Wednesday August 21, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6
Thursday, August 22

11:00 HKT

Enhancing Security and Software Supply Chain: Recent and Upcoming Features in Harbor | 增强安全性和软件供应链:Harbor 中的最新和即将推出的功能 - Stone Zhang, Broadcom
Thursday August 22, 2024 11:00 - 11:35 HKT
In 2023 to 2024, we released Harbor 2.9 and 2.10, and we will release 2.11 soon. In these releases, we have mainly focused on adding or enhancing features related to security and the software supply chain. These features include the Security Hub, which analyzes vulnerability information in artifacts across different dimensions, and the SBOM generation feature, which can create SBOMs manually or automatically. We have also improved the performance of the garbage collector by implementing parallel processing and ensured alignment with the latest OCI specifications. In future releases, we will continue to explore the potential of using SBOMs to secure the software supply chain and facilitate AI model distribution in cloud-native applications. We welcome software engineers and DevOps professionals to join our community and explore the new features of Harbor together. Let's work together to make Harbor even better!

在2023年至2024年,我们发布了Harbor 2.9和2.10版本,很快将发布2.11版本。在这些版本中,我们主要专注于添加或增强与安全和软件供应链相关的功能。这些功能包括Security Hub,它可以分析不同维度中的构件中的漏洞信息,以及SBOM生成功能,可以手动或自动创建SBOM。我们还通过实现并行处理改进了垃圾收集器的性能,并确保与最新的OCI规范保持一致。在未来的版本中,我们将继续探索使用SBOM来保护软件供应链并促进在云原生应用中分发AI模型的潜力。我们欢迎软件工程师和DevOps专业人士加入我们的社区,一起探索Harbor的新功能。让我们共同努力,使Harbor变得更好!

Stone Zhang

Staff Engineer, Broadcom
Thursday August 22, 2024 11:00 - 11:35 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

11:50 HKT

How Volcano Enable Next Wave of Intelligent Applications | 如何让 Volcano 激活下一波智能应用 - William Wang, Huawei Cloud Technologies Co., LTD
Thursday August 22, 2024 11:50 - 12:25 HKT
According to Gartner predication, 30% of new applications will use AI techonolgy by 2026. However, the popularity of AI applications also faces challenges. This talk will introduce the challenges, the solutions and show how to leverage Volcano to enable the intelligent applications. Volcano is a cloud native batch platform and CNCF's first container batch computing project. It is optimized for AI and Bigdata by providing the following capabilities: - Full lifecycle management for jobs - Scheduling policies for batch workloads - Support for heterogeneous hardware - Performance optimization for high performance workloads This year Volcano contributors have made great progress to help users to address challenges for intelligent application. A number of new features are on the way to accelerate the GPU/Ascend NPU training efficiency, optimize resource utilization for large scale clusters and provides fine-grained scheduling.

根据Gartner的预测,到2026年将有30%的新应用程序将使用人工智能技术。然而,人工智能应用的普及也面临挑战。 本次讲座将介绍这些挑战、解决方案,并展示如何利用Volcano实现智能应用。 Volcano是一个云原生批处理平台,也是CNCF的第一个容器批处理计算项目。它通过提供以下功能来优化人工智能和大数据: - 作业的全生命周期管理 - 批处理工作负载的调度策略 - 支持异构硬件 - 高性能工作负载的性能优化 今年,Volcano的贡献者取得了巨大进展,帮助用户解决智能应用的挑战。许多新功能正在开发中,以加速GPU/Ascend NPU训练效率,优化大规模集群的资源利用率,并提供细粒度调度。
avatar for William Wang

William Wang

Architect, Huawei Cloud Technologies Co., LTD
William(LeiBo) Wang is an architect of Huawei Cloud. And He is responsible for planning and implementing cloud native scheduling system on HUAWEI CLOUD. He is also the tech lead of CNCF Volcano project, focusing on large-scale cluster resource management, batch scheduling, BigData... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 11:50 - 12:25 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

13:50 HKT

Gateway API and Beyond: Introducing Envoy Gateway's Gateway API Extensions | 网关API及更多:介绍Envoy网关的网关API扩展 - Huabing Zhao, Tetrate
Thursday August 22, 2024 13:50 - 14:25 HKT
Envoy Gateway, a new member of the Envoy project family, efficiently manages Envoy-based application gateways. In strict adherence to the Kubernetes Gateway API, it amplifies its functionalities by leveraging custom resource definitions (CRDs) in areas where the Gateway API hasn't yet ventured. This presentation will delve into the Gateway API extensions of Envoy Gateway, specifically focusing on ClientTrafficPolicy, BackendTrafficPolicy, and SecurityPolicy. We'll explore their practical applications in managing and securing edge traffic for cloud-native applications. Additionally, we'll discuss a strategic approach for potentially integrating these extensions into the formal Gateway API specifications.

Envoy Gateway是Envoy项目家族的新成员,有效地管理基于Envoy的应用网关。严格遵循Kubernetes Gateway API,通过利用自定义资源定义(CRDs),在Gateway API尚未涉足的领域增强其功能。本次演示将深入探讨Envoy Gateway的Gateway API扩展,特别关注ClientTrafficPolicy、BackendTrafficPolicy和SecurityPolicy。我们将探讨它们在管理和保护云原生应用程序边缘流量方面的实际应用。此外,我们将讨论一个战略方法,可能将这些扩展集成到正式的Gateway API规范中。
avatar for Huabing Zhao

Huabing Zhao

Engineer, Tetrate
Huabing Zhao is a software engineer at Tetrate and a CNCF ambassador. He has developed a managed service mesh product on the cloud and assisted a lot of users in deploying Istio service mesh in production. He also founded Aeraki Mesh, a CNCF sandbox project that facilitates non-HTTP... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 13:50 - 14:25 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

15:35 HKT

Kubernetes Community Panel: A Decade of Evolution and Future Trends | Kubernetes维护者圆桌:十年演变与未来趋势 - Paco Xu & Mengjiao Liu, DaoCloud; Qiming Teng, Freelance; Klaus Ma, Nvidia; Pengfei Ni, Microsoft
Thursday August 22, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
Join us in celebrating the 10th anniversary of Kubernetes with a panel featuring some of the community's most influential contributors and maintainers from China. Over the past decade, Kubernetes has grown to the cornerstone of cloud-native infra, thanks to the dedication and innovation of its community members. In this panel, we will talk about our journeys with Kubernetes, share stories and experience, and discuss the future of Kubernetes in the next decade. Our panelists include current and previous owners, tech leads and maintainers. Feel free to join the panel to share your perspectives on the past and next decade of the Kubernetes community and ask anything about the community.

avatar for Pengfei Ni

Pengfei Ni

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Pengfei Ni is a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft Azure and a maintainer of the Kubernetes project. With extensive experience in Cloud Computing, Kubernetes, and Software Defined Networking (SDN), he has delivered presentations at various conferences, including KubeCon, ArchSummit... Read More →
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徐俊杰 Paco

Open Source Team Lead, DaoCloud
Paco is co-chair of KubeCon+CloudNativeCon China 2024, and a member of Kubernetes Steering Committee. He is the leader of open-source team in DaoCloud. He is also a KCD Chengdu 2022 organizer, and a speaker in KubeCon EU 2023 & 2024, and KubeCon China 2021. Paco is a kubeadm maintainer... Read More →
avatar for Qiming Teng

Qiming Teng

Architect, Freelance
Qiming has been a passionate open source contributor for more than 10 years. He was an active contributor to the OpenInfra community and the CNCF community. His interest spans from operating systems, programming languages to cloud platforms. His current research fields include the... Read More →
avatar for Mengjiao Liu

Mengjiao Liu

Software Engineer, DaoCloud
Mengjiao Liu is a Software Engineer at DaoCloud. She contributes to Kubernetes and serves as the WG Structured Logging Lead and SIG Instrumentation Reviewer, focusing on enhancing logging quality. Additionally, she actively participates in SIG Docs as a Chinese owner and English reviewer... Read More →
avatar for Klaus Ma

Klaus Ma

Principal Software Engineer, Nvidia
eam leader, system architect, designer, software developer with 10+ years of experience across a variety of industries and technology bases, including cloud computing, machine learning, bigdata and financial services. Founding Volcano & kube-batch, Kubernetes SIG-Scheduling co-Leader... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 15:35 - 16:10 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 2

16:25 HKT

KubeVirt Community Update | KubeVirt社区更新 - Haolin Zhang, Arm
Thursday August 22, 2024 16:25 - 17:00 HKT
KubeVirt has been going through some growth spurts of late. As the project matures, so too must the community. We'll go through some of these changes, such as our recent changes building out our SIG process and how this helps our contributor ladder, changes to our design proposal process and how to track the lifecycle of a feature and accountability. As we move towards graduation, it's certainly an interesting time to be part of the community. We've also had three big releases since the last time we met, so we will walk through some of the key features from those. And for those of you who are still learning about what KubeVirt is, we'll run a demo to show some of the basic uses, and how running virtual machines natively alongside your containers is easier than you think.

KubeVirt最近经历了一些增长阶段。随着项目的成熟,社区也必须发展壮大。我们将讨论一些这些变化,比如最近我们改进了SIG流程以及这如何帮助我们的贡献者阶梯,设计提案流程的变化以及如何跟踪功能的生命周期和责任。随着我们向毕业迈进,成为社区的一部分绝对是一个有趣的时刻。 自上次见面以来,我们还发布了三个重要版本,因此我们将介绍其中一些关键功能。对于那些仍在了解KubeVirt的人,我们将进行演示,展示一些基本用途,以及如何在容器旁边本地运行虚拟机比你想象的更容易。
avatar for Haolin Zhang

Haolin Zhang

Senior Software Engineer, Arm
Haolin Zhang, a senior engineer at Arm company. With expertise in cloud computing, he brings deep knowledge in virtualization, containers, and container orchestration. He actively contributes to open-source projects, particularly the Kubevirt project, where he focuses on enabling... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 16:25 - 17:00 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

17:15 HKT

KubeEdge DeepDive: Extending Kubernetes to the Edge with Real-World Industry Use Case | KubeEdge深入探讨:将Kubernetes扩展到边缘,实现真实行业用例 - Yue Bao, Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd. & Hongbing Zhang, DaoCloud
Thursday August 22, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
In this session, KubeEdge project maintainers will provide an overview of KubeEdge's architecture, explore how KubeEdge with its industry-specific use cases. The session will kick off with a brief introduction to edge computing and its growing importance in IoT and distributed systems. The maintainers will then delve into the core components and architecture of KubeEdge, showcasing how it extends the capabilities of Kubernetes to manage edge computing workloads efficiently. Drawing on a range of industry use cases, including smart cities, industrial IoT, edge AI, robotics, and retail, the maintainers will share success stories and insights from organizations that have deployed KubeEdge in their edge environments, highlighting the tangible benefits and transformational possibilities it offers. The session will provide a detailed introduction to the certified KubeEdge conformance test. The maintainers will also share the advancements in technology and community governance in KubeEdge.

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Yue Bao

Senior Software Engineer, Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd.
Yue Bao serves as a software engineer of Huawei Cloud. She is now working 100% on open source and the member of KubeEdge maintainers, focusing on lightweight edge and edge api-server for KubeEdge. Before that, Yue worked on Huawei Cloud Intelligent EdgeFabric Service and participated... Read More →
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Hongbing Zhang

Chief Operating Officer, DaoCloud
Hongbing Zhang is Chief Operating Officer of DaoCloud. He is a veteran in open source areas, he founded IBM China Linux team in 2011 and organized team to make significant contributions in Linux Kernel/openstack/hadoop projects. Now he is focusing on cloud native domain and leading... Read More →
Thursday August 22, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 2

17:15 HKT

Understanding the Buzz Around Cilium: Introduction and in Production at Alibaba | 深入了解Cilium背后的热潮:在阿里巴巴的介绍和生产中 - Bo Kang Li, AlibabaCloud & Liyi Huang, Cisco
Thursday August 22, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Cilium is CNCF's most widely adopted CNI, being the default choice for all major cloud providers. You'll hear how the project grew from a simple networking CNI to cover observability and security too..This talk dives into the bytecode behind all of the buzz around the project. It will cover: An introduction to Cilium and how it works Network policy, kube proxy replacement, and bandwidth manager deep dive Why and how Alibaba Cloud integrated Cilium as their CNI The observability and security capabilities Hubble and Tetragon bring to the project Where Cilium is heading next By weaving together both theoretical knowledge and hands on experience running Cilium in production, the audience will walk away with a strong understanding of what Cilium provides for networking, observability, and security.

Cilium是CNCF最广泛采用的CNI,是所有主要云提供商的默认选择。您将了解到该项目是如何从一个简单的网络CNI发展到覆盖可观察性和安全性的。本次演讲将深入探讨该项目背后的所有字节码。内容包括: Cilium的介绍及其工作原理 网络策略、kube代理替换和带宽管理器深入挖掘 阿里云为何以及如何集成Cilium作为他们的CNI Hubble和Tetragon为该项目带来的可观察性和安全性能力 Cilium未来的发展方向 通过将理论知识和实际运行Cilium的经验结合起来,观众将对Cilium在网络、可观察性和安全性方面提供的功能有深入的了解。
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BoKang Li

Senior Engineer, AlibabaCloud
BoKang Li is a senior engineer on Container Service for Kubernetes team of Alibaba Cloud. He has a primary focus on container networks and connectivity solutions, and has gained extensive experience in use container networking.
avatar for Liyi Huang

Liyi Huang

solution architect, Isovalent at Cisco
solution architect @Isovalent part of Cisco
Thursday August 22, 2024 17:15 - 17:50 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6
Friday, August 23

10:35 HKT

Containerd: Project Update and Deep Dive | Containerd:项目更新和深入探讨 - Akhil Mohan, VMware & Iceber Gu, DaoCloud
Friday August 23, 2024 10:35 - 11:10 HKT
Containerd as a mature, 7-year old project is moving from eight major releases into a new era: containerd 2.0. We’ll dive into all the new exciting features in 2.0, like Sandbox API, Transfer Service and Node Resource Interface, and help users understand what these new features enable for their use case. We’ll also provide an upgrade checklist and highlight changes users need to make before upgrading to the 2.0 release, since the 2.0 release will remove features marked as deprecated in past releases. We’ll also cover new updates on the API go module and the refactoring that went in to make containerd Go client stable. Guidance will be provided on using any supported release to support new Kubernetes releases. We're excited to share the progress of the containerd project. Come join us and ask your containerd questions with the handful of on-site containerd maintainers.

Containerd作为一个成熟的、已有7年历史的项目,正在从八个主要版本迈向一个新时代:containerd 2.0。我们将深入探讨2.0中所有新的令人兴奋的功能,如沙盒API、传输服务和节点资源接口,并帮助用户了解这些新功能为他们的使用案例带来了什么。我们还将提供升级检查表,并强调用户在升级到2.0版本之前需要做出的更改,因为2.0版本将删除在过去版本中标记为弃用的功能。我们还将介绍API go模块的新更新以及为使containerd Go客户端稳定而进行的重构。我们将提供指导,以使用任何支持的版本来支持新的Kubernetes版本。我们很高兴分享containerd项目的进展。快来加入我们,与现场的containerd维护人员一起提出你的containerd问题。
avatar for Wei Cai(Iceber Gu)

Wei Cai(Iceber Gu)

Software Engineer, DaoCloud
Senior open source enthusiast, focused on cloud runtime, multi-cloud and WASM. I am a CNCF Ambassador and founded Clusterpedia and promoted it as a CNCF Sandbox project. I also created KasmCloud to promote the integration of WASM with Kubernetes and contribute it to the WasmCloud... Read More →
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Akhil Mohan

Software Engineer, VMware by Broadcom
Akhil works as a Senior Member of Technical Staff at VMware by Broadcom. An active contributor to projects in cloud native and container ecosystem. Akhil is a reviewer for containerd and a maintainer of kubernetes publishing-bot. He works mostly on container runtimes and kubernetes... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 10:35 - 11:10 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

10:35 HKT

Leveraging Multi-Cluster Architecture for Resilient and Elastic Hybrid Cloud at Xiaohongshu - Feng Xiong, 小红书 & Hongcai Ren, Huawei
Friday August 23, 2024 10:35 - 11:10 HKT
At Xiaohongshu, the scale and number of K8S clusters have grown significantly, leading to increased complexity in cluster and resource management.

To address challenges, such as slow resource turnover, limited automation, and inefficiency, Xiaohongshu has adopted Karmada for the unified platform. This approach enhances cross-cluster application distribution, elasticity, and efficient cross-cluster scheduling while effectively managing multi-cloud infrastructure.

This session focuses on the following key points:

  • Key challenges of hyperscale infrastructure
  • Evaluation of K8s-based multi-cluster solutions and considerations
  • Practice of efficiently distributing applications and securely migrating existing applications
  • Practice of enhance elasticity in a multi-cluster environment
  • Achievements, problems met and resolved
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Hongcai Ren

Senior Software Engineer, Huawei
Hongcai Ren(@RainbowMango) is the CNCF Ambassador, who has been working on Kubernetes and other CNCF projects since 2019, and is the maintainer of the Kubernetes and Karmada projects.
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Feng Xiong

Senior Technical Expert at Xiaohongshu, and Head of Cloud Native Serverless Infrastructure. He began engaging with Kubernetes in 2017 and possesses extensive experience in product development and industry implementation related to cloud computing, containers, Serverless, and edge... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 10:35 - 11:10 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 7

11:25 HKT

Next Steps for the Ingress-NGINX Project | Ingress-NGINX项目的下一步计划 - Jintao Zhang, Kong Inc.
Friday August 23, 2024 11:25 - 12:00 HKT
The Ingress-NGINX project is the most widely used ingress-controller project globally. As a community-maintained open-source project, with the release of Gateway API GA, more and more people are paying attention to what the next plan for the Ingress-NGINX project is and what updates have been made recently.

Ingress-NGINX项目是全球范围内最广泛使用的Ingress控制器项目。作为一个由社区维护的开源项目,随着Gateway API GA的发布,越来越多的人开始关注Ingress-NGINX项目的下一个计划以及最近的更新。
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Jintao Zhang

Sr. SE, Kong
Jintao Zhang is a Microsoft MVP, CNCF Ambassador, Apache PMC, and Kubernetes Ingress-NGINX maintainer, he is good at cloud-native technology and Azure technology stack. He worked for Kong Inc.
Friday August 23, 2024 11:25 - 12:00 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

13:20 HKT

Inplace-Update: The Past, Present and Future | 原地更新:过去、现在和未来 - Zhang Zhen & Mingshan Zhao & Yuxing Yuan, Alibaba Cloud
Friday August 23, 2024 13:20 - 13:55 HKT
Inplace-update is a controversial technique that is considered bad practice by many cloud native fans. Nevertheless , Inplace-update is used by many practitioners to containerize stateful apps and to greatly speed up rolling progress of stateless apps. In recent versions of k8s, additional support of Inplace-update had emerges, e.g. volume resizing and vertical pod scaling. It is a pity that these features are not integrated with in-tree workload. OpenKruise integrates inplace-update as one of core features of advance workload, and have accumulated many real use cases. We will share the challenges to implement inplace update in k8s such as enhancing pod lifecycle hooks and support inplace-update triggered by metadata changes. In addition, we will share the in-progress effort to integrate recent k8s enhancement into kruise workload so as to enable more cases for inplace update. Finally, we will discuss about the possibility to bring inplace-update feature in in-tree

Inplace-update 是一种备受争议的技术,被许多云原生爱好者认为是不良实践。然而,许多从业者仍然使用 Inplace-update 来容器化有状态应用程序,并大大加快无状态应用程序的滚动进展。在最近的 k8s 版本中,出现了对 Inplace-update 的额外支持,例如卷调整大小和垂直 Pod 缩放。遗憾的是,这些功能尚未与 in-tree 工作负载集成。 OpenKruise 将 Inplace-update 集成为高级工作负载的核心功能之一,并积累了许多真实用例。我们将分享在 k8s 中实现 Inplace-update 的挑战,例如增强 Pod 生命周期钩子和支持通过元数据更改触发 Inplace-update。此外,我们将分享将最近的 k8s 增强集成到 Kruise 工作负载中的正在进行的努力,以便为 Inplace-update 启用更多案例。最后,我们将讨论将 Inplace-update 功能引入 in-tree 工作负载的可能性。
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Zhen Zhang

staff engineer, Alibaba Cloud
Zhen Zhang has been working on the cluster management of software applications. he is driving the new cloud native innovation in Alibaba and focus mainly on the application management domain. He is one of main maintainer in OpenKruise project.
avatar for Mingshan Zhao

Mingshan Zhao

Senior R&D Engineer, Alibaba Cloud
Senior R&D Engineer of AliCloud, Maintainer of OpenKruise community, has long been engaged in the research and development of cloud native, containers, scheduling and other fields; core R&D member of Alibaba's one million container scheduling system, and many years of experience in... Read More →
avatar for Yuxing Yuan

Yuxing Yuan

高级开发工程师, Alibaba Cloud
Cloud-native focus with an AI interest.
Friday August 23, 2024 13:20 - 13:55 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

14:10 HKT

Ensuring Success with Kyverno in Production: What You Must Know | 在生产环境中确保Kyverno成功:你必须知道的事项 - Shuting Zhao, Nirmata
Friday August 23, 2024 14:10 - 14:45 HKT
Deploying Kyverno in a production environment requires careful planning and consideration of key factors to ensure success. In this talk, we will delve into the essential aspects that organizations must understand when bringing Kyverno into production. From policy creation to enforcement, scalability, performance optimization, and integration with existing workflows, attendees will gain valuable insights into effectively leveraging Kyverno in a live environment. Moreover, the session will cover strategies for maintaining stability, resilience, and security when using Kyverno at scale. Participants will learn about common pitfalls to avoid, tips for troubleshooting, and proactive measures to enhance the overall production readiness of Kyverno deployments. Whether you are new to Kyverno or looking to optimize your existing implementation, this talk will equip you with the knowledge and guidance needed to successfully navigate the complexities of deploying Kyverno in a production setting.

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Shuting Zhao

Staff Engineer, Nirmata
Shuting Zhao is a Kyverno maintainer and a Staff Engineer at Nirmata. Her passion for open source extends beyond her professional role, as she has also taken on the role of mentor for several LXF mentorship programs since March 2021, she enjoys helping others contribute to open source... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 14:10 - 14:45 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

15:15 HKT

Dragonfly: Intro, Updates and Ant Group's Practice of Accelerating Model Distribution in Ray Serving | Dragonfly:介绍、更新和蚂蚁集团在Ray Serving中加速模型分发的实践 - Wenbo Qi, Ant Group & Qixiang Chen, AntGroup
Friday August 23, 2024 15:15 - 15:50 HKT
Dragonfly provides efficient, stable and secure file distribution and image acceleration based on P2P technology to be the best practice and standard solution in cloud native architectures. In this talk, there is an introduction to dragonfly and the features of the latest version, and AI model distribution practice in AI inference. Additionally, Ray utilizes Dragonfly as its file distribution solution for the large-scale cluster. Subsequently, we will introduce practical problems of model distribution in LLM and multi-media service, and how Ray solves them in Ant Group's production environment.

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Wenbo Qi

Senior Software Engineer, Ant Group
Wenbo Qi is a software engineer at Ant Group working on Dragonfly. He is a maintainer of the Dragonfly. He hopes to do some positive contributions to open source software and believe that fear springs from ignorance.
avatar for Qixiang Chen

Qixiang Chen

Engineer, AntGroup
Qixiang Chen is a software engineer at Ray team of Ant Group. His research interests include distributed systems and System4ML, and he published several papers in academic conferences and journals. Based on the research experience, he is the main author of Rayfed - a distributed federated... Read More →
Friday August 23, 2024 15:15 - 15:50 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

16:05 HKT

CubeFS Boosts Efficiency of AI Production | CubeFS提高了AI生产的效率 - Chi He, OPPO
Friday August 23, 2024 16:05 - 16:40 HKT
With the booming development of AI, the scale of data required for AI model training has been increasing. As one of the fundamental infrastructures for AI, distributed file storage faces significant challenges, such as scalability and the need to provide high performance and stable storage while considering cost-effectiveness. This presentation will mainly share the practical experience and reflections of CubeFS in addressing these challenges.

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chi he

senior engineer, OPPO
CubeFS commiter,responsible for the design and development of the CubeFS storage engine,including feature such as hybrid cloud,caching acceleration.
Friday August 23, 2024 16:05 - 16:40 HKT
Level 1 | Hung Hom Room 6

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